In this edition: Front Office Announcements: Pardon Our Dust! New Phone System & BONUS Attendance School Make-up Session on Thursday, SAGE Testing This Week, Volunteer Help Needed: Lunches for Teacher Appreciation Week, Sports Announcements: High School Sports Banquet & 2018-19 Fall Sports Eligibility, Lands’ End Free Logo Sale
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Front Office Hours This Week
7:30am-4:00pm Monday-Wednesday
7:30am-1:00pm Thursday (SAGE Testing)
7:30am-1:00pm Friday (SAGE Testing)
Attendance School This Week
11:35-11:55am Monday-Wednesday (during lunch)
1:00-3:00pm Thursday (after SAGE Testing)
Saturday, April 28
State Solo & Ensemble Festival
10:00am Math Placement Test (new incoming students)
8:00-11:00pm Prom
Monday, April 30
LAST DAY to pay spring fees to avoid a $25 late payment fee!
Tuesday, May 1
$25 Late payment fee assessed for outstanding fees
Thursday-Friday, May 3-4
8:00am-12:30pm SAGE Testing: grades 7, 8, 9, 10 + seniors in SAGE-assigned classes
Friday-Saturday, May 4-5
Extreme Theater
May 7-18
AP Exams
Monday, May 7
Dancing with the Teachers
Wednesday, May 9
Last Lecture Assembly
7:00pm Chamber Choir and Orchestra Showcase @ St. Francis of Assisi Cathedral, Orem
Friday, May 11
9am-1pm Flex Day
Mr. Maeser Pageant
Wednesday, May 16
Senior Lagoon Day
Thursday, May 17
Review Day
May 18-23
8:00am-12:30pm Final Exams
Thursday, May 24
Awards Assembly
Year-End Checkout
Yearbook Day
Friday, May 25
8:45am Graduation Rehearsal @ UVU Grande Ballroom
1:00pm Graduation @ UVU Grande Ballroom
Front Office Announcements
Pardon Our Dust! New Phone System
We will be implementing a new phone system on Tuesday, May 1st. With this new system, you will be able to leave a voicemail message for our front office and attendance secretaries! We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to get our front office staff trained on all of the features of the new system.
BONUS Attendance Make-up Session on Thursday, May 3rd
Does your student have NGs this quarter? Our Attendance Office will be offering a BONUS NG make-up session on Thursday, May 3rd, from 1:00-3:00pm (after SAGE testing). Each 20-minute session is $2 and students can make up a maximum of six tardies/excused absences or three unexcused absences during this two-hour block.
SAGE Testing This Week
Our school’s SAGE administration is this Thursday and Friday, May 3rd and 4th, from 8:00am to 12:30pm.
Which Students Take SAGE Tests?
All students in grades 7, 8, 9, and 10, as well as a small group of seniors (all of whom have been contacted), are scheduled to take SAGE tests this year. We will provide make-up opportunities for students who are unable to attend on May 3rd and/or 4th.
Only students who are scheduled to take SAGE tests this year should attend on May 3rd and 4th; students with no SAGE tests assigned or who have submitted Parental Exclusion forms should not be on campus that day.
Where Will Students Take the Test?
Students will be testing with their Mentoring classes. Room assignments for SAGE testing will be posted at the school on Wednesday, May 2nd.
What Time?
We will be on the same bell schedule we use for Finals: 8:00am to 12:30pm both days. Students will test from 8-10am, have a break from 10-10:30am, and then return to class to test from 10:30am-12:30pm. We recommend sending your student with a snack to eat during the break.
If your student finishes all of his or her assigned SAGE tests early, s/he may choose to read or work on homework until the break and then call home during the break to be checked out early. We appreciate your helping us to maintain a focused testing environment for all of our students by waiting until the morning break (10:00am) or the end of each testing day (12:30pm) to check your student out.
What Should My Student Bring?
Your student should bring the following items to SAGE testing:
- The calculator they regularly use in their math class. The use of cell phone calculators is not allowed during SAGE testing.
- A pencil to use for scratch work. (We will have extras available.)
- A pair of headphones or earbuds to use during the Listening portion of the English test. (We will have a limited quantity of headphones available for student use.)
- A book to read or homework to work on in case they finish before the end of the testing period.
- A snack to eat during the break.
How Does SAGE Testing Help the School?
Year-end testing gives us a useful snapshot of where our students are at this point in the year in certain core areas. We use our students’ test scores to help us inform and improve instruction. The State uses SAGE test scores as a major component of our school’s grade, which is published on the state’s Data Gateway website. We would appreciate your help in emphasizing to your student the importance of doing his or her best on their year-end tests to help us in these areas.
What if I Want to Opt My Student Out of SAGE Testing?
If you would prefer to opt your student out of SAGE testing this year, please complete, sign, and return the Parental Exclusion Form either by email ( or at the front desk during office hours by no later than this Wednesday, May 2nd, to allow us time to mark your student correctly in the testing system and update their attendance for SAGE Testing Day.
Please contact our Assessment Director, Mrs. Myers, at
Volunteer Help Needed: Lunches for Teacher Appreciation Week May 7-11
Parents: It’s that time of year again! We get to show our appreciation for our teachers. Please sign up using our SignUp Genius if you can help provide lunches and/or gift cards for our teachers.
Monday: Lunch provided by Chic-fil-A
Tuesday: Soup & Salad
Wednesday: Pasta lunch
Thursday: Homemade Cafe Rio
The Homemade Cafe Rio meal was a big hit last year! Please see the following link if you need recipes:
Friday: Light lunch buffet
If you are willing and available to help, please sign up at our SignUp Genius site.
Sports Announcements
Sports Banquet
Maeser’s annual sports banquet for high school sports will be on Tuesday, May 15th at 6:00pm the school gym. Last names A-J bring an appetizer and K-Z bring a dessert. If you have any questions please contact your coach.
2018-19 Student Academic Eligibility for Sports
ATTENTION ALL 8th,9th,10th, and 11th GRADERS! If you are planning on participating in a high school sport during the fall, you must meet academic standards in order to be eligible. This means that you must have a 2.0 with NO Fs or NGs for the 4th term. That’s correct, this term’s grades are what will determine your eligibility for fall sports. If you have any Fs or NGs for this term (Quarter 4) you will be INELIGIBLE to play sports in the fall.
Got NGs?
Come make them up at Attendance School this week! In addition to our regular lunchtime sessions Monday-Wednesday, we will be holding a special BONUS two-hour session on Thursday after SAGE testing — from 1:00-3:00pm. Each 20-minute session is $2 and makes up one tardy/excused absence or 1/2 unexcused absence.
Got Fs?
Talk to your teachers NOW to find out what you can do between now and the end of the term to bring up your grade! DO NOT WAIT UNTIL FLEX DAY to talk to your teachers — by then it may be too late! Finish strong this quarter so you can play sports in the fall.
Lands’ End 40% Off Sale
Lands’ End is holding a 40% off sale at! This is a great time to pick up those higher-priced items like HS blazers. Use promo code SCHOOL and PIN 5811 between April 19-24 and get 40% off full-priced uniform items.