In This Edition
Truth | Honor | Virtue, Finals Week (December 13-17), Maeser HS Drama Presents The Importance of Being Earnest, HS Sweater Swing, Winterim & Middle School Intensives, Brighton Ski/Snowboard Program, NEW Student Lottery Applications for 2022-23, SENIORS: Order Your Graduation Supplies, Volunteer Opportunities (Teacher Appreciation, Report Your Volunteer Hours), 21-22 Maeser Yearbooks, Maeser Hoodies & Sweatshirts, Sports Announcements (Q2 Sports Academic Eligibility, Sports Physicals, Maeser Sports Guide), Counseling Announcements (UVU Concurrent Enrollment Registration Deadline, Online College Classes for Seniors, Middle School Schedule Changes for Semester 2, Miss Krystal’s Counseling Corner Podcast, Ms. Sorenson’s MS Podcast, MS Students of the Week, Scholarship Opportunities, College Information Sessions), Are You Missing Important School Communications? (Opt In For School Text Messages, Update Your Contact Information)
Front Office Hours This Week
Special Front Office Hours for Finals Week
7:30am-4:00pm Mon
7:30am-1:30pm Tues-Fri
**PARENTS: Please remember to check in at the front office when visiting the school during school hours, including Fridays. We appreciate your help in keeping our students safe!**
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Thursday-Saturday, December 9-11
The Importance of Being Earnest
7pm nightly + 2pm matinee on Saturday
Wednesday, December 15
Last day to order graduation supplies to avoid shipping issues!
Friday, December 17
8pm HS Sweater Swing in the Maeser Gym
Friday, December 19
9:00-11:00am MS Boys Volleyball Tryouts
Semester 1 Finals Week: December 13-17
Monday, December 13
Review Day (regular schedule)
Tuesday, December 14
8:00-10:00am 1st period
10:30am-12:30pm 3rd period
Wednesday, December 15
8:00-10:00am 2nd period
10:30am-12:30pm 4th period
Thursday, December 16
8:00-10:00am 5th period
10:30am-12:30pm 7th period
Friday, December 17
8:00-10:00am 6th period
10:30am-12:30pm 8th period
Truth | Honor | Virtue
Each week in this new feature, we’ll be celebrating some of the great things our school community is doing!
Sterling Scholars
The Annual Sterling Scholar Nominees have been chosen! The Sterling Scholar program provides an opportunity for seniors to compete for scholarships in 14 categories. This year’s winners are as follows:
- Stella Ottosson in Social Science
- Meg Duncan in Dance
- Leo Sanjinez in Instrumental Music
- Viola Day in Speech/Theatre Arts/Forensics
- Gregory Tullis in Computer Tech
- Isaac Crofts in Skilled & Technical Sciences
- Noureen Salah in Math
- Talon Townsend in Science
- Dallin Butler in English
- Kelsie Call in World Languages
- Cooper Skousen in Visual Arts
- Nicole Ireland in Family and Consumer Sciences
- Kate Watkins in Business and Marketing
- Danny Nguyen in Vocal Performance
Finals Week: December 13-17
Finals for Semester 1 are coming up next week! Please make sure to check PowerSchool for your most updated grades, as today is the LAST Advisory day left before finals.
**PLEASE NOTE: Next Friday, December 17 is a scheduled school day for Final Exams and attendance is required.**
Monday, December 13: Review Day
Our Semester 1 review day is Monday, December 14. All regular classes will be held and Maeser uniforms are required as usual.
Tuesday-Friday, December 14-17: Final Exams
Final exams for Semester 1 will be held Tuesday-Friday, December 14-17. School hours during Finals are 8:00am to 12:30pm, with two periods per day: 8-10am and 10:30am-12:30pm, with a break from 10-10:30am. Your student should bring a snack for the break; lunch options are not offered on Finals days. Maeser uniforms are required during Finals Week.
Tuesday, December 14: 1st & 3rd periods
Wednesday, December 15: 2nd & 4th periods
Thursday, December 16: 5th & 7th periods
Friday, December 17: 6th & 8th periods
Regular attendance excusal and check-out procedures are still in place during Finals, so if your student will be coming in late or leaving early, be sure to follow our regular excusal/check-out procedures. (Questions about excusing absences? Email
We do not allow students to take finals early. If your student has an unavoidable conflict and will miss a scheduled final, please make arrangements with your student’s teacher for your student to take the final during a period when they do not have a scheduled final or at a later date. (If your student needs to take a final late, they may receive an Incomplete grade until the final exam is made up.
Seniors must pass all of their courses in order to participate in their selected Winterim courses. Our counselors will be reviewing all their finals and, if needed for graduation, they may be placed in Credit Recovery. We will also be checking final grades for Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen. If there are multiple Fs, they will also be placed in Credit Recovery.
Please help your students take advantage of the opportunity to check PowerSchool and work with their teachers TODAY to FINISH STRONG!
Maeser HS Drama Presents: The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
Considered by many to be one of the funniest plays in the English language, Earnest takes its nonsense very seriously. At the end of a challenging year, we very much wanted to apply ourselves to bringing our community a healthy dose of lighthearted laughter. Join us!
When: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7pm. Saturday matinee at 2pm.
Where: Maeser Black Box Theatre (Drama Room)
Tickets: Adults $7, Students $5. General Admission tickets at the door, but if you’d like you may e-mail reservations to Mr. Hults at
HS Sweater Swing
The high school Sweater Swing is Friday, December 17th from 8-11pm. Tickets are $15 per a couple and $10 stag. This is a boys choice dance. Wear your favorite ugly Christmas sweater or country garb. There will be an ugly sweater competition and we’ll be learning how to country dance!
Winterim & Middle School Intensives (MSI): January 3-20
Winterim is a distinctive program and feature of Karl G. Maeser Preparatory Academy. Winterim (high school) and Middle School Intensives (MSI) enhance student learning by providing intensive, focused educational experiences and are a great opportunity for students and teachers to explore together subjects that wouldn’t fit into a normal school routine. Exploration, hands-on learning, in-depth study, and fun combine to give students a unique opportunity to explore new interests.
Students will be on campus Monday through Friday from 9am-2pm, and will have the opportunity to explore new interests and grow in ways that are different from the regular classroom. Regular uniforms are worn during Winterim & Middle School Intensives.
While Winterim is a fun and different approach to learning, courses are still rigorous and students earn academic credit. In some cases, a Winterim course may be more challenging than a regular class. Because of this, combined with the shortened time period of Winterim, attendance is crucial. Students who miss class during Winterim will find it difficult to keep up. Winterfest is a valuable part of the Winterim experience, and Winterfest projects, presentations, and attendance are part of the Winterim grade.
Middle School Intensives
Middle School Intensives (MSI) takes place at the same time as Winterim. Students take a break from their normal classes and take specialized classes that are designed and taught by our staff. Students also take part in two or three field trips. School times for MSI are from 9am-2pm Monday through Friday.
Schedules for MSI will be distributed to middle school students during Finals Week (December 13-17). Your middle school student will also be bringing home permission slips for the MSI field trips.
8th Grade Sewing
Students will need to bring these items to the first SEWING CLASS:
- 2/3 yard of fleece fabric (60 inches wide) for making 2 hats (remnants of that size work well and are less expensive)
- 3 Buttons – a two hole, a four hole, and a shank button
- Two 8-inch squares of print cotton fabric for a quilt square (we cut them to size in class)
You may bring extra fabric for more than one quilt square. If you cannot bring an item, please email Mrs. Goodrich BEFORE the day of class at
Get volunteer hours in the MSI sewing class helping 8th grade students learn new skills. You don’t need to have a student in the class to help! If you are interested in helping with sewing, please email Mrs. Goodrich.
MS Spelling Bee
We will be holding our annual middle school spelling bee during MSI (Middle School Intensives). Classroom spelling bees will run Monday-Thursday, January 3-6, with the school spelling bee on Tuesday, January 18 at 10:30am. The top three winners of the classroom spelling bees will qualify for the school spelling bee. 1st and 2nd place winners of the school spelling bee will compete in the regional spelling bee to qualify to compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C.
For more information, rules, and the class spelling bee study list, click here: “2022 Maeser Spelling Bee.
Winterfest is an opportunity for students to showcase their learning to their fellow students, parents, and the broader community. At Winterfest, our high school students present the final product of their learning to the community. For example, they may perform a short reading from the novel they’ve been writing, demonstrate a new skill they’ve developed, or show off something they have created.
This year’s Winterfest will be held on Thursday, January 20 from 4:30-7:00pm. Mark your calendars and plan to attend with your family to celebrate our students’ Winterim accomplishments!
Winterfest is mandatory for all HS students as part of the learning experience of Winterim. Middle school students are highly encouraged to attend. All students must be in Full Dress Uniforms for Winterfest.
Brighton Ski/Snowboard Program
The link to Brighton Ski/Snowboard for family and friends of Maeser is up! It is $175 for 5 Friday nights: Feb 25, Mar 4, 11, 18, 25, and includes a 2 hour group lesson and the ski pass for the rest of the night. Plan on being there at 4 pm because the classes leave at 4:30 sharp. You need to take care of gear rentals on your own. Season rentals may be a cost-effective option.
Maeser students, family members, and faculty/staff and their families of all ages 8 and older are welcome. To sign up:
This activity is a service provided by Brighton for the Maeser community; it is not sponsored by Maeser. If you have questions, email Laralee Ireland at
NEW Student Lottery Applications For 2022-23
Lottery applications for NEW students for the 2022-23 school year are NOW OPEN in our new online application/enrollment system!
To submit an application for a NEW student, click here to complete the Lottery Application. You can also access the lottery application by visiting our website ( and clicking Admissions and then Submit An Application.
Applications must be received by February 1, 2022 to be included in the 2022-23 lottery. After that date, students will be added to the waitlist in the order their application is submitted.
Remember: DO NOT submit an online application for your CURRENT Maeser student — online applications are for NEW students only (that means new families & new incoming students of current families).
Because this is a brand new application/enrollment system, you will need to select “Create An Account”. (The application/enrollment system is different from your PowerSchool parent account.) You will continue to use the application/enrollment system account to submit additional applications for siblings (this year or in the future) and to enroll your student(s) if they receive an offer following our lottery. Please keep your login info handy.
If you have more than one NEW student applying for Maeser next year, you must submit a separate application for each new student.
REMEMBER: DO NOT submit an online application for your CURRENT Maeser student — online applications are for NEW students only.
If you have questions, please email our registrar at
SENIORS: Order Your Graduation Supplies!
Jostens is requesting that all seniors order their graduation supplies before December 15th in order to avoid shipping issues. Supplies include cap/gown/tassel and can be purchased online at
Volunteer Opportunities
Teacher Appreciation
Help provide Teacher Appreciation opportunities to treat the faculty in a small way — a little cheer goes a long way! For more information and to sign up, please visit our SignUpGenius: Teacher Appreciation
Report Your Volunteer Hours
DON’T FORGET! Report your volunteer hours once you’ve dropped off your donation: Report Parent Service Hours. Each $5 spent for donations counts as one hour of volunteer service!
21-22 Yearbooks
Have you purchased your student’s yearbook yet? The 2021-22 Maeser Yearbook is available to purchase online through
Yearbooks are currently $55 each (including tax). The price goes up in March — and we often sell out completely before the end of the school year. If you haven’t purchased your student’s yearbook yet, now is the perfect time! Email with any questions.
Maeser Hoodies & Sweatshirts
“MAESER” hoodies and “LION” sweatshirts can be purchased online at:
Uniform approved (with the Maeser logo) fleece, jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts and 1/4-zips can be purchased at:
Sports Announcements
Q2 Sports Academic Eligibility
Eligibility for participation in any sports/activities during the 2nd term will be based on 1st term grades. Students (7th-12th) must earn a 2.7 GPA with no Fs/NGs. In addition, high school students cannot have any Fs/NGs/Incompletes from previous high school terms. If the F/NG/Incomplete is made up by the beginning of the sports season they will be able to participate.
Sports Physicals
All students (middle school and high school) who will be playing sports this year need a physical in order to play. Here is a link to the UHSAA form which Maeser uses for ALL athletes: UHSAA Physical Form
Maeser Sports Guide
For a list of the sports that are available at Maeser for both MS and HS students, click here: 2021 Maeser Sports Guide. The Fall Sports Guide includes whether the team is boys, girls, or coed, when tryouts are, who the coach is, and the coach’s contact information, if it is available.
Counseling Announcements
UVU Concurrent Enrollment Registration Deadline
The UVU Concurrent Enrollment Registration Deadline for Semester 2 is Jan 31st. The admissions deadline is Jan 28th. Registration is open now.
You will need to enroll if taking any of the following classes:
- UVU Financial Literacy 1060
- UVU Math 1040
- UVU Math 1060
- UVU Drawing (Art 1020)
- UVU English 2010
Online College Classes for Seniors
If your Senior is planning on taking an approved online college class for semester 2, the deadlines are quickly approaching. We are excited to announce that you now have two options:
- University of Utah HSU Program The deadline to apply for admission is January 3rd. Registration for classes is NOW OPEN. Classes begin on January 3rd so there will be some overlap with Winterim. Be sure to register and enroll before January 3rd! Please see the Approved Course Listand complete all of the Admissions and Registration steps to be able to take this class in the library and receive credit both at the U and Maeser.
- BYU-I The deadline to apply for admission is this Wednesday, December 15th. This includes interviews with your ecclesiastical leaders.Registration for classes is NOW OPEN. Classes begin on January 6th so there will be some overlap with Winterim. Be sure to register and enroll before January 6th! Please see the Approved Course Listand complete all of the Admissions and Registration steps to be able to take this class in the library and receive credit both at BYU-I and Maeser.
Middle School Schedule Changes for Semester 2
Schedule changes for semester 2 are happening now! You can check your current Semester 2 schedule in the PowerSchool app:
- Download the PowerSchool app and use our district code (PHPQ)
- Login with your Powerschool username and password
- Click on Q3 to see your CURRENT schedule for Semester 2
*If you don’t have access to the app, the front office will be happy to print a schedule for your student.
If you would like to request a schedule change, fill out the Schedule Change Request Form:
- 4th period Fitness is ONLY for students wanting to do Girls’ Basketball, Boys’ Volleyball, or Girls’ Soccer
- Your first schedule change is free; all subsequent requests are $10 each
Miss Krystal’s Counseling Corner Podcast
Being Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Ms. Sorenson’s Middle School Podcast
Middle School Students of the Week
Congratulations to this week’s Middle School Students of the Week! This month our focus is on Kindness.
7th Grade: Nora Tate, Maxwell Redding
8th Grade: Megan Babcock, Kale Garner
There will be no Students of the Week during MSI. We will resume in February!
Scholarship Opportunities
The counselors get emailed many scholarship opportunities! We will post these here as we get them: New Scholarship Opportunities
College Information Sessions
Colleges are starting to have information sessions. Check out this link on our website to join a virtual information session: College & University Info Sessions.
Are You Missing Important School Communications?
Not getting our emails, phone or text messages? Here’s how to make sure you’re getting all of our important announcements and information:
Opt In For School Text Messages
Our school utilizes the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages to your mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts, student fees, and more. We will only use text messaging for urgent and important information.
You can participate in this service by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587.
You can also opt out of text messages at any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.
Update Your Contact Information
If any of your contact information has changed – email address, mailing address, phone number – please let us know asap so we can be sure you’re getting school and teacher communications.
Thank you for helping us keep in contact with your family!