In This Edition
Welcome Back, Maeser Lions! (New School Schedule, Advisory Friday Expectations, Parent Handbook 21-22), Help Us Stay In Touch! (Opt In For School Text Messages, Update Your Contact Information), School Supplies (7th & 8th Grade SOAR Binder Supplies, English 7 Supplies), Debate Team Practices, Stakeholder Input On Maeser’s ARP ESSER Plan, Sterling Scholar Award Program For Seniors, Have Your 2021-22 Plans Changed?, Don’t Forget To Report Your Volunteer Hours, Sports Announcements (Sports Academic Eligibility, Sports Physicals, Fall Sports Guide, Ultimate Frisbee), Counseling Announcements (New Website, IMPORTANT Concurrent Enrollment Information, Middle School Sports Schedule Changes
Front Office Hours
7:30am-4:00pm Mon-Thurs
7:30am-1:00pm Fri
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Monday, August 16
First Day of School!
3:45pm First Debate Practice
Welcome Back, Maeser Lions!
We hope you’ve enjoyed your summer break and are ready to hit the ground running for another awesome year!
New School Schedule
We experimented and learned a lot this past year, and we’re excited to implement some of those positive experiences. This year we will be continuing Advisory Fridays. Regular, in-person classes will be held Monday-Thursday, from 8:00am-3:30pm for all students. Advisory Fridays will run from 9:00am-1:00pm.
Advisory Friday Expectations
Fridays will continue to be treated as an official school day for students to take tests, get individualized help from teachers, work in small groups, participate in mentoring activities, and do make-up work. Teachers may assign specific times for students to come to campus to take tests, quizzes, and labs. Additionally, teachers may use Google Classroom to assign and collect homework on Fridays. As much as possible, families should treat Fridays as they would any other school day. Click here for all the details: Advisory Friday Plan for 2021-22.
Parent Handbook 21-22
If you haven’t already checked out our Parent Handbook 21-22, we highly recommend doing that before school starts on Monday. It has a wealth of information for parents as you get our Maeser students ready to return to school! Inside the Parent Handbook, you’ll find information about the school schedule, tracking your student’s assignments and grades, finding a carpool, lunch options, Winterim, and more!
Help Us Stay In Touch!
Not getting our emails, phone or text messages? Here’s how to make sure you’re getting all of our important announcements and information:
Opt In For School Text Messages
Our school utilizes the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages to your mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts, student fees, and more. We will only use text messaging for urgent and important information.
You can participate in this service by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587. You can also opt out of text messages at any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.
Thank you for helping us keep in contact with your family!
Update Your Contact Information
If any of your contact information has changed – email address, mailing address, phone number – please let us know so we can stay in touch with your family.
School Supplies
School supply lists for most classes will be sent home with the class syllabus when school starts on Monday. If your student is in 7th or 8th grade, you can get a jump on school shopping by gathering their SOAR binder supplies this weekend!
7th & 8th Grade SOAR Binder Supplies
College and Career Awareness/SOAR is a required class for all students in 7th grade and new students in 8th grade. In this class, students will learn how to stay organized with the new work load of middle and high school classes. The SOAR binder is a key component of this system and is used by ALL students in 7th and 8th grades. Once it is assembled (in class with the teacher), it becomes their SOAR Binder and should be the only binder your 7th or 8th grade student needs.
To create their SOAR binder, all middle school students will need the following supplies:
- One 1.5″ heavy duty binder with View Cover
- Loose lined paper to go in binder
- One plastic tab with pockets for each individual class (Avery 8 tab Binder Pockets work well)
- Writing utensils—pens and pencils. Blue or Black ink only.
- Pencil Pouch that fits in binder rings – can contain individual pencil sharpener, stapler, one hole punch.
- 1 File folder for each individual class (For home file)
- A box or container for file folders (For home file)
- Red pen – For editing
Looking for a way to make an impact and get your volunteer hours at the same time? Donate supplies for one extra SOAR binder so we can help out students whose families may be struggling during these difficult times!
English 7
In addition to the SOAR binder required of all middle school students, students who are entering the 7th grade will also need one composition notebook, college ruled. We will be using this most days of the year so a heavy duty one is recommended.
Debate Team Practices Start This Week
If you missed our parent meeting last night (Thursday, August 12), it’s not too late! Students interested in debate should attend our first practices this week on Monday and Wednesday from 3:45-5:00 to meet us and get more information.
Questions? Email Mr. Harmon at
Stakeholder Input On Maeser’s ARP ESSER Plan
Maeser is seeking input on our plan for utilizing money from the American Rescue Plan Act. The plan is below. Please email to submit your feedback.
Draft Plan:
Allotment is $190,750, to expend by Sep 2023.
To address learning loss:
$40,000 for teacher salary and benefits for stipends for after school math and writing labs.
Educational Technology:
Upgrade computer lab to iMacs – $65,000
Classroom Audio Upgrades – $65,000
Upgrade chromebooks and teacher laptops – $20,750
Sterling Scholar Award Program For Seniors
If you are a senior, and you’d like a chance to win the prestigious Sterling Scholar Award at the school- or region-level, please email Mr. Kreitzer at We will have an official meeting later in the Fall to help you begin work on your portfolios.
Have Your 2021-22 Plans Changed? Please Let Us Know ASAP!
If your plans for 2021-22 enrollment have changed and your student will not be attending Maeser Prep, please contact us ASAP to let us know by emailing us at — please include your student’s name, their 2021-22 grade, and the school they will be attending next year.
Thanks so much for your help in keeping our records up to date!
Don’t Forget to Report Your Hours!
Report your volunteer hours once you’ve dropped off your donation: Report Parent Service Hours. Each $5 spent for donations counts as one hour of volunteer service!
Sports Announcements
Sports Academic Eligibility
Eligibility for participation in any sports/activities during the 1st term of the 2021-2022 school year will be based on 4th term grades. Students (7th-12th) must earn a 2.7 GPA with no Fs/NGs. In addition, high school students cannot have any Fs/NGs/Incompletes from previous high school terms. If the F/NG/Incomplete is made up by the beginning of the sports season they will be able to participate.
Sports Physicals
All students (middle school and high school) who will be playing sports this year need a physical in order to play. Here is a link to the UHSAA form which Maeser uses for ALL athletes: UHSAA Physical Form
Fall Sports Guide
For a list of the fall sports that are available at Maeser for both MS and HS students, click here: 2021 Maeser Fall Sports Guide. The Fall Sports Guide includes whether the team is boys, girls, or coed, if there is summer training, when tryouts are, who the coach is, and the coach’s contact information, if it is available.
Maeser Ultimate Frisbee (all grades)
Maeser has a great Ultimate Frisbee program, and we’d love to have you play! Boys and girls, grades 7 through 12. For more information about how to join, e-mail
Counseling Announcements
New Website!
We are excited to share with you our new counseling website:!
You can find all the information about counseling, scheduling resources, college and career information, scholarships, opportunities, planning ahead, calendar information,student wellness and the counselors’ podcasts.
IMPORTANT Concurrent Enrollment Information
Students enrolling in BYU-I classes or CE UVU classes this fall, be sure to enroll at BYU-I and register for your class! Here is the link for all the information you will need: Concurrent Enrollment Information.
Middle School Sports Schedule Changes
Students that try out for and make a sports team do not need to submit a schedule change request. Coaches will give Ms. Sorenson a roster and she will make the necessary changes.