In this edition: Uniform Sales, Music Auditions, Summer Reading
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
June 26-30
Front Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00am to noon
June 26-29
ACT Prep Camp
June 28 and 30
Donated Uniform Sale at Maeser
June 28: 10:00am to 12:00pm
June 30: 9:00-11:30am
To donate, bring washed uniform items (in good condition) to the front office before June 28
School and office closed for annual maintenance
July 21
Final deadline to complete MaeserOnline summer school courses
Thursday, August 3
SAVE THE DATE: New Family Night and Fall Uniform Swap
Friday, August 18
New Student Orientation Day
Monday, August 21
First Day of School
Announcements and Info
THIS WEEK: Donated Uniform Sales
We will be holding TWO donated uniform sales at the school this week:
- Wednesday June 28, 2017 from 10:00am to 12:00pm
- Friday June 30, 2017 from 9:00-11:30am
Our next uniform sale will be the Fall Uniform Swap on Tuesday, August 3rd. Watch Facebook and email for details!
Are you a musician? Would you like to be?
For information about music opporunities at Maeser, email Mrs. Vincent at
Summer Reading Program
How’s your summer reading going? For this year’s summer reading selections, the Foreign Language and the Applied Science departments selected texts for each grade. The following list of titles is for what grade you will begin in August 2017. The program is easy: Read the book chosen for the appropriate grade. Come to the Summer Reading Book Club night on 25 August 2017. Converse with Maeser faculty and others of the community about the book you read. Maybe get some door prizes. Enjoy some refreshments. It’s that easy. Read long and prosper.
7th grade: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling
8th grade: The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare
9th grade: Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
10th grade: Don Quixote by Cervantes
11th grade: 1491 by Charles C. Mann
12th grade: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell