In This Edition
Maeser Boys Soccer: Region Champs!, Maeser Classical Literature Scholarship, Help Needed for Maeser Appreciation Week, NG Make-up, Yearbook Online Sales Closing NEXT WEEK, Class of 2023 Graduation Activities, Volunteer Help Needed (Counseling Donations, Report Your Volunteer Hours, Questions About Volunteer Hours), Sports Announcements (Spring Sports Academic Eligibility, Sports Physicals, Maeser Sports Guide), Can We Reach You In Case Of Emergency? (Opt In For School Text Messages, Update Your Contact Information)
Front Office Hours This Week
7:30am-4:00pm Mon-Thurs
8:30am-12:30pm Fri
**PARENTS: Please remember to check in at the front office when visiting the school during school hours, including Fridays. We appreciate your help in keeping our students safe!**
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Friday, April 28
Submissions Deadline for Maeser Classical Literature Scholarship
May 1-4
RISE Testing – 7th & 8th grades (in-class)
May 1-17
AP Exams
Tuesday, May 16
Last Lecture Assembly
Thursday, May 25
Class of 2023 Cap & Gown Photo; Senior Breakfast (seniors)
Advisory & Awards Day Assembly (all students)
Friday, May 26
9am Graduation Rehearsal
1pm Graduation Ceremony
Maeser Boys Soccer: Region Champs!
Our Maeser boys soccer team just finished the regular season and won the REGION CHAMPIONSHIP for the second year in a row! They start the playoffs with a home game on Wednesday, May 3rd at 4pm. We’d love to have you join us on the Hill and cheer us on!
Maeser Classical Literature Scholarship
Available only to Maeser seniors, this scholarship awards $500 for first place and $250 for second place. Essays (750 words) answering the prompt: “What piece of classical literature moved you to think about life and people in new ways, and how did it change you?” should be sent to Mr. Simmons ( no later than 11:59pm TODAY (Friday, April 28th).
Maeser Appreciation Week: Help Needed!
Maeser Appreciation Week is NEXT WEEK (May 1st-5th) and we need HELP! Volunteer to help with breakfast and lunches for our team during that week. By the suggestion of parents last year, it was easier to donate gift cards to local restaurants and use those to have lunches brought in (please drop off gift cards in front office by April 28th). We are going to try that again. THANK YOU for helping show our team how much they’re appreciated this year! For every $5 = 1 Volunteer hour. You have been AMAESERING in supporting our Maeser team this year and we really love our Maeser Community!
For more information and to sign up, please visit our SignUpGenius: Teacher Appreciation Opportunities.
NG Make-up
All NG make-up should be completed by Review Day, especially for seniors who will be participating in graduation activities. There will be service opportunities the week of June 1st as teachers clean up their classrooms for summer. After this, NGs become NCs (essentially Fs) and coursework will need to be remediated.
Yearbook Online Sales Closing NEXT WEEK
Your opportunity to purchase a yearbook online ends next week. After that, you’ll be added to a waiting list where you might be able to purchase one. Don’t miss your opportunity! Order your yearbook today at
Not sure if you’ve bought a yearbook? Email and we’ll check for you!
Class of 2023 Graduation Activities
Seniors and parents: mark your calendars for these important graduation activities!
Thursday, May 25: Class Cap & Gown photo; Senior breakfast at Maeser
Friday, May 26: Graduation Rehearsal & Ceremony at Thanksgiving Point Show Barn
- 9:00am: Graduation Rehearsal (mandatory for all graduates!)
- 1:00pm: Graduation Ceremony — each graduate may invite up to 8 guests to attend
Volunteer Help Needed
Counseling Donations
The Middle School Counseling team is in need of large bags of individual sized candy. You can use this towards your volunteer hours!
- Kind: an assortment- chocolate, hard candy like jolly ranchers, tootsie pops or rolls, whatever comes in the assorted bags is fine. We would like some non-chocolate as well.
- Amount: 4-5 bags/month
Report Your Volunteer Hours
DON’T FORGET! Report your volunteer hours once you’ve dropped off your donation: Report Parent Service Hours. Each $5 spent for donations counts as one hour of volunteer service!
Questions About Volunteer Hours?
Contact us at
Sports Announcements
Spring Sports Academic Eligibility
Eligibility for participation in spring activities/sports will be determined by 2nd and 3rd term grades. All students (middle and high school) must have earned a 2.7 GPA with no Fs. In addition, high school students cannot have any Fs/NGs/Incompletes from previous high school terms. All Fs/NGs must be made up by the last day of term.
Sports Physicals
All students, middle school and high school, who will be playing sports this year (2022-23) need a physical in order to play. Physicals completed on or after March 10, 2022 are good until July 15, 2023. Any physicals completed before March 10, 2022 will not be accepted (per UHSAA policy) for this school year.
Here is a link to the UHSAA form which Maeser uses for ALL athletes: UHSAA Physical Form
Maeser Sports Guide
For a list of the sports that are available at Maeser for both MS and HS students, click here: Maeser Sports Guide. The Sports Guide includes whether the team is boys, girls, or coed, when tryouts are, who the coach is, and the coach’s contact information, if it is available.
Can We Reach You In Case Of Emergency?
It’s important to keep your contact information up to date and opt-in to receive text messages from Maeser — in case of an emergency, this is how we notify parents! In addition, we use your contact information to notify you about important school events and school fees deadlines.
Here’s how to make sure you’re getting all of our important announcements and information:
Opt In For School Text Messages
Our school utilizes the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages to your mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts, student fees, and more. We will only use text messaging for urgent and important information.
You can participate in this service by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587.
You can also opt out of text messages at any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.
Update Your Contact Information
If any of your contact information has changed – email address, mailing address, phone number – please let us know asap so we can be sure you’re getting school and teacher communications.
Thank you for helping us keep in contact with your family!