In This Edition
Truth | Honor | Virtue, XANADU, Math Girls Rock!, HS Theatre Regionals Mandatory Meeting, Second Semester Fees, Senior Yearbook Tributes, Maeser ACT Day for Juniors, Lands’ End School Uniform Sale, Volunteer Help Needed (Maeser ACT Day for Juniors, Teacher Appreciation, Report Your Volunteer Hours, Questions About Volunteer Hours), Sports Announcements (HS Boys Soccer Tryouts, Spring Sports Academic Eligibility, Sports Physicals, Maeser Sports Guide), Counseling Announcements (Micro-Habits), Can We Reach You In Case Of Emergency? (Opt In For School Text Messages, Update Your Contact Information)
Front Office Hours This Week
CLOSED Monday (Presidents’ Day)
7:30am-4:00pm Tues-Thurs
8:30am-12:30pm Fri
**PARENTS: Please remember to check in at the front office when visiting the school during school hours, including Fridays. We appreciate your help in keeping our students safe!**
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
February 16-18
Xanadu at Liahona Theater for the community
Monday, February 20
Presidents Day – NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, February 21
3:30pm Math Girls Rock!
3:30pm HS Theatre Regionals mandatory meeting
Wednesday, February 22
Second Semester Fees Due
Thursday, February 23
Late fee for any outstanding balances
Monday, February 27
HS Boys Soccer Tryouts
Tuesday, March 7
11th Grade ACT — Juniors ONLY on campus
Truth | Honor | Virtue
HS Girls Basketball Team
The girls basketball team made Maeser history this week by becoming our first girls team to win a playoff game, defeating Rowland Hall 39-32 in a hard-fought win. It was 28-27 with about 4 minutes to go and they went on an 11-5 run to seal the victory. Congratulations, Lady Lions!
Tickets are now available for the Karl G. Maeser Preparatory Academy performance of Xanadu. Shows are Friday and Saturday, Feb. 17-18, with evening performances at 7 p.m. and a Saturday matinee at 1:30 p.m. There will also be a preview dress-rehearsal show at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 16.
All shows will be at the Liahona Preparatory Academy Theater, 2464 West 450 South in Pleasant Grove.
Tickets are $10 each and seating is reserved, so buy early for the best selection. You can use the promo code PREVIEW to get $3 off all tickets for the Thursday night show. Using the promo code FAMILY, you can get $5 off any purchase of four or more tickets for any show. Buy your tickets online at this link:
Math Girls Rock!
The next meeting for Math Girls Rock! will be held on Tuesday, February 21st from 3:30pm to 5:00pm. This program is open to all Maeser girls in grades 7-12. If you have never attended before, you will need to fill out a permission slip and pre-survey. Please e-mail Mrs. Plott if you need a copy of the permission slip. As always, there will be snacks and prizes. Contact Mrs. Plott for more information.
HS Theatre Regionals Mandatory Meeting
If you have a high school student who is interested in competing in theatre regionals at the end of March, there will be a mandatory meeting in the drama room on Tuesday, February 21st, right after school. If you have any questions, please email Thank you.
Second Semester Fees
Please check Second Semester Fees Due (or contact the front office) to see if your student has a fee balance for one or more of the following reasons:
- Your student has one or more second semester classes with a fee: see the Maeser Fee Schedule
- Your student lost a textbook from first semester (NOTE: these can still be returned to the teacher by Wed, Feb 22 to have the fee removed)
- Your student was a new student at the semester (prorated enrollment fee minus deposit + Winterim for HS students): see the Maeser Fee Schedule
- Your student has overdue fees
Fee balances are due on Wednesday, February 22. A late fee will be charged after that date.
If you would like to discuss a payment plan (except for extracurriculars), please contact our Finance Office before the fee deadline at All payment plans must be completed by the end of April.
Senior Yearbook Tributes
Want to celebrate your senior’s accomplishments in this year’s yearbook?
Our yearbook team is now taking orders for senior tributes in this year’s yearbook! Here’s everything you need to know to embarrass… er… celebrate your senior in the yearbook this year:
Order Deadline
The last day to purchase senior tributes is coming up SOON: Thursday, February 23 @ 3:45pm. Space is limited and we will probably sell out. The turnaround for senior tributes is always very quick, so if you have any questions, please contact Ms. Gerber at ASAP!
Available Sizes & Prices
1/8 page: $35
1/4 page: $50
1/2 page: $90
Where do I pay?
You can pay for your senior tribute at the front office during office hours until 3:45pm on Thursday, February 23.
What if I have other questions?
Ms. Gerber is happy to walk you through the process! You can reach her at
When do I have to have everything in?
The FINAL deadline for senior tributes is Thursday, February 23 at 3:45pm. No orders will be accepted after the deadline. Also, space is limited and space will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis. We have sold out of space the past four years.
Maeser ACT Day for Juniors
March 7th is our annual ACT day for Juniors to take the ACT. Please help our Juniors perform at their peak by volunteering here: ACT Day Fuel Up for Students
Lands’ End School Uniform Sale
Has your student hit a growth spurt this year? Shop online at February 9-24 and take 40% off school uniform bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts) and 20% off everything else using CODE: PENCIL and PIN: 1356.
Volunteer Help Needed
Maeser ACT Day for Juniors
March 7th is our annual ACT day for Juniors to take the ACT. Please help our Juniors perform at their peak by volunteering here: ACT Day Fuel Up for Students
Teacher Appreciation
Volunteer to help bring Teacher Appreciation treats for the year by month. Thank you for putting a smile on a teacher’s face today! This is TRULY a blessing for our team. The little things are often the BIG things! For more information and to sign up, please visit our SignUpGenius: Teacher Appreciation Opportunities.
Report Your Volunteer Hours
DON’T FORGET! Report your volunteer hours once you’ve dropped off your donation: Report Parent Service Hours. Each $5 spent for donations counts as one hour of volunteer service!
Questions About Volunteer Hours?
Contact us at
Sports Announcements
HS Boys Soccer Tryouts
All boys (grades 9-12) interested in trying out for the high school soccer team are invited to tryouts on Monday, February 27th. Tryouts will run from 2:45-5:00pm on Monday. All athletes must have a UHSAA Physical and register on prior to tryouts. Questions can be directed to Coach Simmons (
Spring Sports Academic Eligibility
Eligibility for participation in spring activities/sports will be determined by 2nd and 3rd term grades. All students (middle and high school) must have earned a 2.7 GPA with no Fs. In addition, high school students cannot have any Fs/NGs/Incompletes from previous high school terms. All Fs/NGs must be made up by the last day of term.
Sports Physicals
All students, middle school and high school, who will be playing sports this year (2022-23) need a physical in order to play. Physicals completed on or after March 10, 2022 are good until July 15, 2023. Any physicals completed before March 10, 2022 will not be accepted (per UHSAA policy) for this school year.
Here is a link to the UHSAA form which Maeser uses for ALL athletes: UHSAA Physical Form
Maeser Sports Guide
For a list of the sports that are available at Maeser for both MS and HS students, click here: Maeser Sports Guide. The Sports Guide includes whether the team is boys, girls, or coed, when tryouts are, who the coach is, and the coach’s contact information, if it is available.
Counseling Announcements
Third term seems to be a hard one for students. The holidays are over and spring is only thinking about showing up. This month brought us Groundhog day. I watch the old 1993 movie- Groundhog Day, every year on Feb 2.
At one point in the movie, when Phil is stuck in an endless time loop of having to live Groundhog day over and over and over, he says, “What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same and nothing that you did mattered?”
I think we all feel that way sometimes, nothing we do matters. We try and try and nothing changes. We set goals, decide to get things done and yet nothing changes. We are now a month into the new year and according to google, nearly 80% of the people that made New Year’s Resolutions have already given up on them and quit because they just get overwhelmed with the doing of it. They get overwhelmed with trying and trying and nothing seems to work for them.
Do you know why? It’s because they don’t know the secret of Micro-habits. They don’t know how to do the little things that will get them to the big things. The secret of doing the minimum amount that will allow you to have a string of successful days that will add up to doing the maximum.
Students say they are going to turn in ALL of their assignments but then when they miss one deadline, they quit trying. When I set a goal, I think of what is the bare minimum I could do toward that goal if it was the worst day of my life? Say I wanted to drink 64 oz of water every day. What is the bare minimum? Filling my water bottle. I want to turn in every assignment on time. Bare minimum? See what the assignment is.
Let me tell you an experience that I had a couple of weeks ago. I’m doing a class for my health coaching business and we need to read 4 pages a day in our book. The bare minimum is opening our book and then closing it. One of the days I just didn’t feel like reading and kept putting it off. Finally I decided to just open the book. But here is what I found. Page 1 was a paragraph in extra- large font- I read it. Page 2 was a full page picture and pages 3&4 were one sentence. THEN since I had the book open. I read the next day’s 4 pages. That bare minimum is called a micro habit. We all do small things- micro habits every day without thinking about them. Think of the routines you do to get ready in the morning. You have done them so long, that you just do them without thinking.
If your student is having a hard time meeting some of the goals they have set for themself, why don’t you try breaking them down into their small micro-habits, those bare minimum things that will lead them to a string of days, weeks, months of being successful and doing the bigger things.
I want to leave you with a quote from Nikki Banas:
You can start something new whenever you want. You can start today, or next week, or next month. You can start when you feel like you’re ready or you can start even if you feel like you’re not ready. You can start when you know nothing about it or when you feel like you know enough…The truth is you can change your life whenever you want, whether or not you feel ready, and whether or not the timing is “right”. You can pack up and move to a new city. You can change your career. You can talk to that person that might end up being the one. You can start reading that book that might change your life… So don’t be afraid to try something new today because you never know which raindrop will start a hurricane.
Can We Reach You In Case Of Emergency?
It’s important to keep your contact information up to date and opt-in to receive text messages from Maeser — in case of an emergency, this is how we notify parents! In addition, we use your contact information to notify you about important school events and school fees deadlines.
Here’s how to make sure you’re getting all of our important announcements and information:
Opt In For School Text Messages
Our school utilizes the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages to your mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts, student fees, and more. We will only use text messaging for urgent and important information.
You can participate in this service by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587.
You can also opt out of text messages at any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.
Update Your Contact Information
If any of your contact information has changed – email address, mailing address, phone number – please let us know asap so we can be sure you’re getting school and teacher communications.
Thank you for helping us keep in contact with your family!