In This Edition
Truth | Honor | Virtue, Home COVID Tests, Lunchtime Addition: Pizza Wednesdays, Second Semester Class Fees, 11th Grade ACT, Volunteer Opportunities (Junior Class Student Council Lunchtime Activity, Report Your Volunteer Hours), 21-22 Maeser Yearbooks, Maeser Hoodies & Sweatshirts, Sports Announcements (HS Boys Soccer, HS Boys Tennis, Q3 Sports Academic Eligibility, Sports Physicals, Maeser Sports Guide), Counseling Announcements (8th Grade College & Career Meetings, Miss Krystal’s Counseling Corner Podcast, Ms. Sorenson’s Middle School Podcast, Middle School Students of the Week, Scholarship Opportunities, College Information Sessions), Are You Missing Important School Communications? (Opt In For School Text Messages, Update Your Contact Information)
Front Office Hours This Week
CLOSED Monday (Presidents Day)
7:30am-4:00pm Tues-Thurs
8:30am-12:30pm Fri
**PARENTS: Please remember to check in at the front office when visiting the school during school hours, including Fridays. We appreciate your help in keeping our students safe!**
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Monday, February 21
Presidents Day – NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, February 22
Full Dress Day
Thursday, February 24
Second semester fees due – late fee after this date
Tuesday, March 8
11th Grade ACT – Juniors ONLY on campus
Truth | Honor | Virtue
Each week in this new feature, we’ll be celebrating some of the great things our school community is doing!
Sterling Scholar Update
Of the fourteen students that were honored with the Maeser Sterling Scholar award, nine advanced to the semifinal round of this statewide competition last Thursday. These students were:
Stella Ottosson, Dallin Butler, Cooper Skousen, Talon Townsend, Daniel Nguyen, Kate Watkins, Viola Day, Isaac Crofts, and Nicole Ireland
After the interviews were held, we learned that two of these students will be advancing to the final round of interviews, coming up later this month. Those students are Viola Day and Isaac Crofts!
You can tune in on March 17 to livestream the Sterling Scholar Annual Awards Ceremony and see if our Maeser scholars win!
Here’s a link to the Deseret News insert regarding the competition, including a photo of all of our school winners: Deseret News 2022 Sterling Scholar Awards.
Winter Sports Updates
Congratulations to our winter sports teams for a successful season!
Swimming: Sarah Puertas won a state championship in the 100m backstroke
Wrestling: Daniel Nguyen, Jaden Grunkmeier, and Peter Clawson all qualified for the state tournament
Girls Basketball: Finished in 2nd place in Region 18
Boys Basketball: Finished in 3rd place in Region 18
MS Girls Basketball: Finished in 3rd place in their region
Home COVID Tests
Home COVID tests have arrived! If you would like one for your family, please drop by the front office or have your student pick it up after school while supplies last.
Lunchtime Addition: Pizza Wednesdays
Beginning Wednesday, February 23, students will be able to purchase pizza for $1 per slice in the lunchroom every Wednesday. First come, first served – cash only.
Second Semester Class Fees – Due Thurs, February 24
If your student has a second semester class with a class fee, it has been charged to their account. If your student was charged a class fee and/or if they have other outstanding fees, you should have received an email notice. If you’d like to check on your student’s account, you may log in to RevTrak or contact the front office. After the deadline, there will be a $15 late fee added to your student’s account. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the finance office at
11th Grade ACT: Tuesday, March 8
On Tuesday, March 8, all of our 11th-grade students will be taking the ACT. This is a FREE opportunity for all juniors to take the ACT! Administration of this test will follow all ACT standards, so in order to create the required testing environment for our juniors, we have set aside this day for ACT testing only. **Your junior is already registered; you do not need to do anything to sign them up for this ACT administration.**
Tuesday, March 8 will be an ACT-testing-only day for our school.
There will be NO SCHOOL that day for students who are not in 11th grade.
Due to the need for an undisturbed testing environment, ACT does not allow us to have any students on campus who are not part of the ACT administration. Please make other arrangements for your students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 on March 8 as we will not have space or supervision available for them on our campus that day. As this is an official ACT administration, we will be unable to interrupt testing to check students out. We appreciate your help in ensuring a good testing environment for our juniors!
We encourage all juniors to take advantage of this free opportunity to take the ACT with their classmates on March 8. However, parents who prefer not to send their students to campus for testing can choose to opt their students out of this test by submitting a signed Parental Exclusion Form by Thursday, March 3 (to give us time to excuse your student’s absence and adjust our testing room assignments).
Volunteer Opportunities
Junior Class Student Council Lunchtime Activity
Our Junior Class StuCo needs a few donations for their Wednesday, February 23rd lunch-time activity during our Multi-Cultural Week celebration. For more information and to sign up, please visit our SignUpGenius: Multi-Cultural Week Activity Needs. Thank you for your support!
Report Your Volunteer Hours
DON’T FORGET! Report your volunteer hours once you’ve dropped off your donation: Report Parent Service Hours. Each $5 spent for donations counts as one hour of volunteer service!
21-22 Yearbooks
Have you purchased your student’s yearbook yet? The 2021-22 Maeser Yearbook is available to purchase online through
Yearbooks are currently $55 each (including tax). The price goes up in March — and we often sell out completely before the end of the school year. If you haven’t purchased your student’s yearbook yet, now is the perfect time! Email with any questions.
Maeser Hoodies & Sweatshirts
“MAESER” hoodies and “LION” sweatshirts can be purchased online at:
Uniform approved (with the Maeser logo) fleece, jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts and 1/4-zips can be purchased at:
Sports Announcements
HS Boys Soccer
Tryouts for boys high school soccer are Monday, February 28th. For students in the 8th period conditioning class, tryouts will start during 8th period. For students who have another class during 8th period, tryouts will begin at 3:40. Tryouts will end for everyone at 4:30.
Prior to tryouts, all prospective players must register online at Questions can be sent to
HS Boys Tennis
NO tryouts required! Everyone who joins can play. The first day of practice will be Monday, March 7 at Canyon View Junior High School from 4:00-5:30. Prospective players, please register online at For more information or questions, please contact Coach Peck at
Q3 Sports Academic Eligibility
Eligibility for participation in any sports/activities during the 3rd term will be based on 2nd term grades. Students (7th-12th) must have earned a 2.7 GPA with no Fs/NGs. In addition, high school students cannot have any Fs/NGs/Incompletes from previous high school terms. If the F/NG/Incomplete is made up by the beginning of the sports season they will be able to participate.
Sports Physicals
All students (middle school and high school) who will be playing sports this year need a physical in order to play. Here is a link to the UHSAA form which Maeser uses for ALL athletes: UHSAA Physical Form
Maeser Sports Guide
For a list of the sports that are available at Maeser for both MS and HS students, click here: 2021-22 Maeser Sports Guide. The Fall Sports Guide includes whether the team is boys, girls, or coed, when tryouts are, who the coach is, and the coach’s contact information, if it is available.
Counseling Announcements
8th Grade College & Career Meetings
Ms. Sorenson would love to meet with each 8th grade student and parents if they are available to discuss your course requests for next school year. Use this link to make an appointment. Due to her cancer treatments, Ms. Sorenson appreciates it if you request a virtual meeting if you have been ill in the 24 hours prior to your appointment or are currently experiencing anything even as small as a cold. She will send you a link and be happy to meet virtually.
Miss Krystal’s Counseling Corner Podcast
Ms. Sorenson’s Middle School Podcast
Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Outcome
Middle School Students of the Week
Congratulations to this week’s Middle School Students of the Week! This month we are focusing on Respect.
7th Grade: Nicole Gazaway, Andrew Asmus
8th Grade: Lily Landen, Ayden Villicana
Scholarship Opportunities
The counselors get emailed many scholarship opportunities! We will post these here as we get them: New Scholarship Opportunities
College Information Sessions
Check out this link on our website to join a virtual college information session: College & University Info Sessions.
Are You Missing Important School Communications?
Not getting our emails, phone or text messages? Here’s how to make sure you’re getting all of our important announcements and information:
Opt In For School Text Messages
Our school utilizes the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages to your mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts, student fees, and more. We will only use text messaging for urgent and important information.
You can participate in this service by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587.
You can also opt out of text messages at any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.
Update Your Contact Information
If any of your contact information has changed – email address, mailing address, phone number – please let us know asap so we can be sure you’re getting school and teacher communications.
Thank you for helping us keep in contact with your family!