In This Edition
11th Grade PSAT Day: Wednesday, October 13, Maeser Drive-in Movie Night, Maeser Robotics Team, Model United Nations, Lands’ End 20% Off Uniforms Sale, 21-22 Maeser Yearbooks, Volunteer Opportunities (Snacks for PSAT Day, Counseling Office Supplies, College Application Week, Report Your Volunteer Service), Sports Announcements (Q2 Sports Academic Eligibility, Sports Physicals, Maeser Sports Guide), Counseling Announcements (Senior CCR Meetings, Sophomore CCR Meetings, College Information Sessions, Miss Krystal’s Counseling Corner Podcast, Ms. Sorenson’s MS Podcast, Middle School Students Of The Week, New Scholarship Opportunities), Are You Missing Important School Communications? (Opt In For School Text Messages, Update Your Contact Information)
Front Office Hours This Week
7:30am-4:00pm Mon-Tues
7:30am-1:00pm Wed
CLOSED Thurs-Fri for Fall Break
**PARENTS: Please remember to check in at the front office when visiting the school during school hours, including Fridays. We appreciate your help in keeping our students safe!**
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Friday, October 8
8pm Maeser Drive-In Movie Night
Tuesday, October 12
Last Day of Quarter 1
Wednesday, October 13
PSAT Day: Juniors ONLY (no students in other grades on campus)
Thursday-Friday, October 14-15
Fall Break
Wednesday, October 20
6:30-8pm FAFSA Night
Monday, October 25
Picture Retake Day
Friday, October 29
8-11pm Halloween Stomp (high school only)
11th Grade PSAT Day: This Wednesday, October 13
This Wednesday, October 13th, all Maeser juniors will be given the opportunity to take the PSAT — a pre-SAT test offered by the College Board. This is a free opportunity for our juniors to enter the National Merit Scholarship Competition.
In order to create a safe and focused testing environment for our juniors, we have set aside this day for PSAT testing only. There will be NO SCHOOL on October 13th for students who are not in 11th grade.
Please make other arrangements for your students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 on that day, as we will not have space or supervision available for them on our campus.
Juniors should plan to arrive by no later than 7:45am on October 13th, to give them time to find their testing room and check in. Standard-time testing should end by around noon and students should plan to leave campus immediately after their testing room is dismissed. Detailed information about PSAT day will be sent to juniors and their parents on Monday. We recommend that students eat a nutritious breakfast before arriving at school on the morning of the test and bring their own snacks for the break.
We encourage all juniors to take the PSAT on October 13th, both as a free opportunity to practice before taking the ACT and as an opportunity to enter a large scholarship competition. However, parents who prefer not to send their students to campus for testing can choose to opt their students out of this test by submitting a signed Parental Exclusion Form by Monday, October 11th (to give us time to excuse your student’s absence and adjust our testing room assignments). These students will be provided with information about how they can enter the National Merit Scholarship competition without taking the PSAT.
Volunteer Help Needed!
We need parent volunteers to help provide snacks for the break during the PSAT! If you can help, please sign up here: PSAT Snack Bar.
Maeser Drive-in Movie Night
Come watch a fun movie on Friday, October 8th from 8-10pm in the north parking lot of Maeser! The student body will choose between Spider-Man into the Spiderverse, Wonder, and Napoleon Dynamite. Tickets are $2 and can be purchased from StuCo during lunch (cash or check), by calling or visiting the front office (card), or online at our RevTrak fee payment site. If you pay by card, keep your receipt as your ticket!
Maeser Robotics Team
We are starting the first Maeser Robotics team. This is a tremendous opportunity. We have finalized $5000 in grant money (1 corporate grant, 2 private donors), secured an experienced coach that has a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and we have been given the start of a robot for free! We need at least 10 high school students (9-12 graders) that would like to be on the team. We will probably be meeting 2-3 times per week and it is extremely fun. If your student is interested, contact Mrs. Hansen as soon as possible so you can be invited to our information meeting very soon.
Model United Nations
Your student can be an ambassador for a day on Friday, October 22! Students will meet the next few weeks on Wednesdays and/or Thursdays during lunch in Ms. Moser’s room (146). They will learn diplomacy, public speaking, parliamentary procedure, research, and resolution writing. Parent volunteers are needed on Friday 22 Oct. 2021 at BYU. Over 400 students from St. George to Logan participate in this Model UN. The fee for participation in Model UN is $35; sign up and pay in the front office by Monday, October 18. Questions? Email Mrs. Smith or Ms. Moser
Lands’ End 20% Off Uniforms Sale
Lands’ End is holding a 20% off sale on uniform items next week! Shop online at between October 14-18 and use Code: FRIENDLY and PIN: 6294 for 20% off uniform items.
21-22 Yearbooks
Have you purchased your student’s yearbook yet? The 2021-22 Maeser Yearbook is available to purchase online through
Yearbooks are currently $55 each (including tax). The price goes up in March — and we often sell out completely before the end of the school year. If you haven’t purchased your student’s yearbook yet, now is the perfect time! Email with any questions.
Volunteer Opportunities
Snacks for PSAT Day
We need parent volunteers to help provide snacks for the break during the PSAT! If you can help, please sign up here: PSAT Snack Bar.
Counseling Office Supplies & College Application Week
COUNSELING NEED in preparation for College Application Week and for the students in general, please check out the sign-up and donate if you can!
Utah College Application Week
Utah College Application workshop day at Maeser for Seniors is October 20th. We would love 1-2 parents to attend each session of Socratic on that Wednesday to assist seniors in completing college applications. If you can help support our seniors on this day, please check out the sign-up sheet: Utah College Application Workshop Day
Report Your Volunteer Service
DON’T FORGET! Report your volunteer hours once you’ve dropped off your donation: Report Parent Service Hours. Each $5 spent for donations counts as one hour of volunteer service!
Sports Announcements
Q2 Sports Academic Eligibility
Eligibility for participation in any sports/activities during the 2nd term will be based on 1st term grades. Students (7th-12th) must earn a 2.7 GPA with no Fs/NGs. In addition, high school students cannot have any Fs/NGs/Incompletes from previous high school terms. If the F/NG/Incomplete is made up by the beginning of the sports season they will be able to participate.
Sports Physicals
All students (middle school and high school) who will be playing sports this year need a physical in order to play. Here is a link to the UHSAA form which Maeser uses for ALL athletes: UHSAA Physical Form
Maeser Sports Guide
For a list of the sports that are available at Maeser for both MS and HS students, click here: 2021 Maeser Sports Guide. The Fall Sports Guide includes whether the team is boys, girls, or coed, when tryouts are, who the coach is, and the coach’s contact information, if it is available.
Counseling Announcements
Senior College and Career Readiness (CCR) Meetings
Senior College and Career Readiness Appointments have started and will run through October. Sign up to meet with Mrs. Anderson at this link: Sign Up For Your Senior CCR Meeting
Sophomore College and Career Readiness (CCR) Meetings
Sophomore College and Career Readiness Appointments have started and will run through October. Sign up to meet with Mr. Peck at this link: Sign Up For Your Sophomore CCR Meeting
College Information Sessions
Colleges are starting to have information sessions. Check out this link on our website to join a virtual information session: College & University Info Sessions.
Miss Krystal’s Counseling Corner Podcast
Authentically You and Not the Imposter
Ms. Sorenson’s Middle School Podcast
THIS WEEK in the Lion’s Den! Listen to this week’s podcast on ways to deal with stress using laughter: Why we Post on Social Media
Middle School Students Of The Week
Congratulations to this week’s Middle School Students of the Week:
Sienna Hobbs
Mason Hemingway
Julia Tullis
Nikolai Harding
These students were diligent with doing and turning in their homework on time.
Scholarship Opportunities
The counselors get emailed many scholarship opportunities! We will post these here as we get them: New Scholarship Opportunities
Are You Missing Important School Communications?
Not getting our emails, phone or text messages? Here’s how to make sure you’re getting all of our important announcements and information:
Opt In For School Text Messages
Our school utilizes the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages to your mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts, student fees, and more. We will only use text messaging for urgent and important information.
You can participate in this service by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587.
You can also opt out of text messages at any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.
Update Your Contact Information
If any of your contact information has changed – email address, mailing address, phone number – please let us know asap so we can be sure you’re getting school and teacher communications.
Thank you for helping us keep in contact with your family!