In This Edition
District Science Fair Winners, Parent Feedback Opportunity for 2020-21 Fee Schedule, Semester 2 Class Fees, 11th Grade ACT (Tuesday, March 3), HS Boys Soccer Tryout Signups
Front Office Hours
7:30am-4:00pm Monday-Thursday
7:30am-1:00pm Friday
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Saturday, February 8
8-11pm Sweethearts Dance
Tuesday, February 11
7pm Board Meeting + Parent Feedback Opportunity for 2020-21 Fee Schedule
Monday, February 17
Presidents Day – NO SCHOOL
Friday, February 21
Signup Deadline for HS Boys Soccer
Monday, February 24
HS Boys Soccer Tryouts
Thursday, February 27
Second Semester Class Fees Due (+ additional fees for new students)
$15 late fee after this date
Tuesday, March 3
11th Grade ACT **Juniors ONLY on Campus**
Friday, March 6
Friday, March 20
Last Day of Quarter 3
April 6-10
Spring Break
District Science Fair Winners
The District Science Fair was held on Tuesday, February 4. Maeser had five participants: James Fawcett, Devyn Giles, Eliana Herbert, J. Stump, and Mitchell Tingy. All five of our Maeser students won and advanced to the BYU Science Fair. Congratulations and good luck at the CUSEF competition in March!
Parent Feedback Opportunity: 2020-21 Fee Schedule
Our February board meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 11 at 7:00pm at the school. This board meeting will include a segment for PARENT FEEDBACK regarding the 2020-21 Fee Schedule (click here to review the proposed fee schedule). The fee schedule is a list of all fees that the school may charge during the school year. The Utah State Board of Education has outlined guidelines for approval of fee schedules and this includes two parental input meetings. We held one of these meetings in January; the second and last meeting will be the February board meeting. The board will adopt the final draft of the 2020-21 Fee Schedule in March to meet the April 1 deadline.
Semester 2 Class Fees
If your student has been assessed a fee for a second semester class, it is due February 27. After that, a $15 late fee will be applied. Thanks!
11th Grade ACT: Tuesday, March 3
On Tuesday, March 3, all of our 11th-grade students will be taking the ACT. This is a FREE opportunity for all juniors to take the ACT! Administration of this test will follow all ACT standards, so in order to create the required testing environment for our juniors, we have set aside this day for ACT testing only. **Your junior is already registered; you do not need to do anything to sign them up for this ACT administration.**
Tuesday, March 3 will be an ACT-testing-only day for our school
There will be NO SCHOOL that day for students who are not in 11th grade.
Due to the need for an undisturbed testing environment, ACT does not allow us to have any students on campus who are not part of the ACT administration. Please make other arrangements for your students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 on March 3 as we will not have space or supervision available for them on our campus that day. As this is an official ACT administration, we will be unable to interrupt testing to check students out. We appreciate your help in ensuring a good testing environment for our juniors!
Volunteer Help Needed for 11th Grade ACT
Parents: We could use your help starting our Juniors’ testing experience off on the right foot and fueling their brains. We have a few spots still remaining: Click here for more information and to sign up to help with breakfast for the 11th Grade ACT
HS Boys Soccer Tryout Signups
If you are planning on trying out for the boy’s soccer team, you need to sign up on Coach Simmons’ office door by February 21st so he can check your eligibility. You must also complete your online registration before tryouts. Tryouts will be on Monday, February 24th.