Maeser Updates: 14 February 2020

Happy Valentines Day!

In This Edition

Attendance Reminders, Semester 2 Class Fees Due February 27, Math Girls Rock!, 11th Grade ACT (Tuesday, March 3), Volunteer Help Needed (Parent Guest Speakers for 7th Grade CCA, Breakfast for the 11th Grade ACT, Teacher Birthday Celebrations), Sports Announcements (HS Boys Soccer Tryout Signups, HS Track & Field Signups), Brighton Ski/Snowboard Program

Front Office Hours

7:30am-4:00pm Tuesday-Thursday
7:30am-1:00pm Friday

Upcoming Dates and Deadlines

Monday, February 17
Presidents Day – NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, February 18
Full Dress Day

Thursday, February 20
Signup Deadline for HS Track & Field

Friday, February 21
Signup Deadline for HS Boys Soccer Tryouts

Monday, February 24
HS Boys Soccer Tryouts
HS Track & Field practice begins after school

Thursday, February 27
Second Semester Class Fees Due (+ additional fees for new students)
$15 late fee after this date

Tuesday, March 3
11th Grade ACT **Juniors ONLY on Campus**

Friday, March 6

Friday, March 20
Last Day of Quarter 3

April 6-10
Spring Break

Attendance Reminders

We are seeing an increase in the front office for family vacation requests as well as illness.

Family Vacation Requests

If your student is planning an extended absence due to family vacation plans, please fill out the pre-approved vacation form found at the front desk. The student will meet briefly with their teachers prior to the request to identify what work they will be missing and will be responsible for while absent from school. The expectation is that the class will be moving on and the student will need to do some self-taught work to be on track when returning.


If your student is affected by illness, please do not have your student return to school until they are symptom free for 24 hours.

  • In order for these absences to be parent-excused, please call the front desk or email
  • Many times these absences can be medically-excused (with a doctor’s note), which doesn’t factor into the attendance count for NGs. Having said that, these absences DO affect your student’s ability to stay on track in class. Please communicate with your student’s teachers and counselor in the event of serious illness that requires extended medical absences.

Semester 2 Class Fees Due Thursday, February 27

Fee statements were mailed out this week for all students with outstanding fees. If your student has been assessed a fee for a second semester class, those fees are due February 27. A $15 late fee will be applied on Friday, February 28, to any student accounts with outstanding balances (if you have arranged a payment plan, the late fee will apply only if you have missed payments). If you have questions, please contact the finance office at Thanks!

Math Girls Rock!

Math Girls Rock! is a math program hosted by UVU. We investigate math topics, origami, and math careers. This program is open to all girls in grades 7 – 12. Our first meeting will be on Thursday, February 20th from 3:30 to 5:00pm. As always, there will be pizza, snacks, and prizes. For more information (or to get a permission slip), talk to Mrs. Plott (

11th Grade ACT: Tuesday, March 3

On Tuesday, March 3, all of our 11th-grade students will be taking the ACT. This is a FREE opportunity for all juniors to take the ACT! Administration of this test will follow all ACT standards, so in order to create the required testing environment for our juniors, we have set aside this day for ACT testing only. **Your junior is already registered; you do not need to do anything to sign them up for this ACT administration.**

Tuesday, March 3 will be an ACT-testing-only day for our school
There will be NO SCHOOL that day for students who are not in 11th grade.

Due to the need for an undisturbed testing environment, ACT does not allow us to have any students on campus who are not part of the ACT administration. Please make other arrangements for your students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 on March 3 as we will not have space or supervision available for them on our campus that day. As this is an official ACT administration, we will be unable to interrupt testing to check students out. We appreciate your help in ensuring a good testing environment for our juniors!

Volunteer Help Needed

Parent Guest Speakers for 7th Grade CCA

Parents of 7th grade students: We are engaged in a brief study of sample jobs and careers in CCA. We have learned about job descriptions, education requirements and salaries for various occupations. Now we would like to learn more about what parents of our class members do daily in the world of work!

We invite you to visit our classes on a Thursday (March through mid-May) and share information about your job, career and occupation. Please indicate a date when you would be able to come to school and which class periods you can visit. If possible, please visit all four classes on the day when you sign up. A class period is 45 minutes long.

The students will anticipate your visit and prepare some questions for you. We can send you the questions before your visit if you would like. Generally, we want to know what your daily job is like (a day in your life), what you like about your job, what are the educational requirements for this job, any disadvantages about the job, and what students can do now to prepare for a job like this. Thank you so much for your time and concern for the students at Maeser and their future in the world of work.

Click here for more information and to sign up to help as a parent guest speaker

Breakfast for the 11th Grade ACT

Parents: We could use your help starting our Juniors’ testing experience off on the right foot and fueling their brains. We have a few spots still remaining:

Click here for more information and to sign up to help with breakfast for the 11th Grade ACT

Teacher Birthday Celebrations

We like to celebrate our teachers monthly for birthdays. We would love for parents to donate a Costco sized (or similar) cake the first Wednesday of each month to celebrate our faculty and staff. Thank you for helping make them feel special during their birthday month!

Click here for more information and to sign up to help with teacher birthday celebrations

Sports Announcements

HS Boys Soccer Tryout Signups

If you are planning on trying out for the boy’s soccer team, you need to sign up on Coach Simmons’ office door by February 21st so he can check your eligibility. You must also complete your online registration before tryouts. Tryouts will be on Monday, February 24th.

HS Track & Field Signups

If you are interested in participating in track & field this year, please sign up on the paper outside the Coaches’ office in the Gym by February 20th. Practices will begin Monday, February 24th, after school.

Brighton Ski/Snowboard Program

In February and March 2020, Brighton Ski Resort will be offering group ski/snowboard lessons for Maeser families and friends (limited space available). This is an after-school activity provided by Brighton Ski Resort and is not sponsored or run by the school. In order to participate in this activity, the participant must be 8 years old or older.

The ski/snowboard program will run for 5 consecutive weeks in 2020 — February 28 and March 6, 13, 20 and 27 — from 4:15 to 6:15pm. Plan on being there at 4 pm because the classes leave at 4:15 sharp. After each lesson, students will be able to ski and snowboard on their own until 9:00pm.

The cost of the ski program is $125 for students ages 8 and up. This price includes the lesson and the night pass to ski/snowboard. Ski and snowboard rentals, which include boots, poles, skis, or snowboards, are available for $75. There is no pro-rating for lessons or rentals that are unused. You may also choose to bring your own gear. Helmets are highly recommended but are not part of the rental package.

This program is sponsored and run by Brighton Ski Resort. Transportation to/from the resort is the responsibility of the student/family. Neither Maeser nor Brighton will be providing transportation. However, there is a UTA bus that runs to the resort if you do not wish to drive.

Click here to sign up and purchase tickets for this program: Brighton Ski/Snowboard Program.

Remember, this link is a special price for just our Maeser community! Parents who sign up to ski/board have the option to take lessons or not, the price is the same for the lessons and the passes or just the passes.

If you have any questions, please email Laralee Ireland at It should be a fun time on the slopes!