In This Edition
Current Student Re-Enrollment for 2020-21, New Student Lottery Applications Now Open, Middle School Thanksgiving Feast TODAY, Winterim Volunteer Opportunities, Middle School Spelling Bee, Sports Announcements (Academic Eligibility for Winter Activities & Sports, HS Basketball Tryouts), Counseling Announcements (Freshman & Junior CCR Meetings, HOBY Leadership Opportunity for Sophomores)
Front Office Hours
7:30am-4:00pm Monday-Thursday
7:30am-1:00pm Friday
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Friday, November 1
Lottery Applications Open for NEW Students
TODAY: Friday, November 8
12:00-1:30pm Middle School Thanksgiving Feast
Monday & Tuesday, November 11-12
HS Basketball Tryouts: Be on time and ready to play!
3:45pm Girls Tryouts
6:00pm Boys Tryouts
Friday, November 22
Flex Day
Tuesday, November 26
CUSEF Paperwork DUE for School Science Fair
Wednesday, December 4
6pm Maeser School-wide Science Fair in lunchroom
Thursday, December 5
LAST DAY to Re-Enroll Current Students For Next Year
CURRENT Student Re-Enrollment For 2020-21
Re-enrollment is now open for current Maeser students who will be returning for the 2020-21 school year. To secure your student’s spot at Maeser for the coming year, please visit our front office during office hours (M-Th 7:30am-3:45pm, Fri 7:30am-1:30pm) to submit the required re-enrollment paperwork and your $50 re-enrollment deposit.
Please note: Out of respect for our front office staff and their family time, we will NOT be taking re-enrollment paperwork after 3:45pm Mon-Thurs or after 12:45pm Fri.
The $50 re-enrollment deposit can be paid online through our fee payment system, but you must still come in to the front office to fill out and sign the required paperwork. Check your email for the series of re-enrollment tips we’ve been sending out all this week!
Re-enrollment must be completed by Thursday, December 5, 2019. This allows us to plan for the number of open spots we can offer to new students in our enrollment lottery in February. For the past several years, our wait list has far exceeded the number of seats available at Maeser, so we want to be sure your Maeser student has a spot reserved for next year!
NEW Student Lottery Applications Are Now Open For 2020-21
Lottery applications for NEW students for the 2020-21 school year are NOW OPEN! If you have more than one NEW student applying for Maeser next year, you must submit a separate application for each new student.
REMEMBER: DO NOT submit an online application for your CURRENT Maeser student — online applications are for NEW students only. Re-enrollment must be completed in person in the front office.
To submit an application for a NEW student, click here to complete the Lottery Application. You can also access the lottery application by visiting our website ( and clicking Apply — be sure to choose the correct year (2020-2021).
Middle School Thanksgiving Feast
The middle school will be holding their annual Thanksgiving Feast TODAY, November 8 from 12-1:30pm. Entrance to the event is bringing a dish to share.
We have broken up the alphabet by last name to attempt to have a variety at the feast, but feel free to swap or bring other items that work for you. The assignments are:
A-F: cheese, cracker, meat trays, any other sides
G-K: veggies, salads, fruit
L-N: Soups
O-S: Bread, rolls, toppings
T-Z: Desserts
Winterim Volunteer Opportunities
We have several Winterims in need of parent help with everything from snacks to guest speakers to chaperones! For more details and to sign up:
Remember: If you plan to chaperone any school activity, you must have a current background check on file! If you’re not sure if you’ve completed a background check for our school, please email our Finance Office at
Middle School Spelling Bee
We will be holding our annual Middle School Spelling Bee during Middle School Intensives (in the Winterim term). For details, rules, and the word list, click here: Maeser 2020 Middle School Spelling Bee.
Sports Announcements
Academic Eligibility for Winter Activities & Sports
Eligibility for Quarter 2 sports and activities will be based on your 1st term grades; eligibility during Winterim will be based on your Quarter 2 grades. You must have earned a 2.7 with no Fs/NGs. High School students cannot have any Fs/NGs from any previous high school terms.
High School Basketball Tryouts (Girls and Boys)
High School Basketball tryouts will be held on Monday and Tuesday, November 11-12. Girls tryouts will be held from 3:45-6pm and boys tryouts will follow from 6-8pm. Be on time and ready to play! Questions? Contact the coaches: Darci Call (girls) and Mas Watabe (boys).
Counseling Announcements
Freshman CCR (College and Career Readiness) Meetings
Freshman CCR meetings start November 11 and will run through December 6. ALL 9th grade students need to schedule a meeting with Ms. Sorenson to discuss their high school path and post high school plans, and to request classes for next year. Parents are highly encouraged to attend with their students!
Junior CCR Meetings
Junior CCR meetings start November 19 and will run through December 10. ALL 11th grade students need to schedule a meeting with Mrs. Anderson to discuss progress toward graduation and post high school plans, and to request classes for their senior year. Parents are highly encouraged to attend with their students! If all appointment slots fill up, junior CCR meetings will be extended to continue after the Winter Break.
HOBY Leadership Opportunity for Sophomores
Sophomores: Need leadership opportunities for your resume? Attend the HOBY Leadership Seminar! Your HOBY leadership essay is due this Monday, November 11. Not sure what HOBY is all about? See Ms. Sorenson in the counseling office. So far no students have turned in an essay, so if you turn in an essay, the chances are high you will be chosen!