Maeser Updates: 13 September 2019

In This Edition

School Picture Day This Monday, Winterim 2020 Registration, Student Fees due by October 3, Model United Nations, Maeser Science Fair, Volunteer Help Needed (Lunch & Learn, Healthy Snacks), Sports Announcements (Swimming)

Front Office Hours

7:30am-4:00pm Monday-Thursday
7:30am-1:00pm Friday

Upcoming Dates and Deadlines

Monday, September 16
School Picture Day – FULL DRESS

Tuesday, September 17
DEADLINE to Submit Independent Winterim Applications

3:40pm Science Olympiad Information Meeting in room 150

Monday, September 23
Winterim Registration Opens for Seniors

Tuesday, September 24
Winterim Registration Opens for Juniors

Wednesday, September 25
Winterim Registration Opens for Sophomores

Thursday, September 26
Winterim Registration Opens for Freshmen

Friday, September 27
Flex Day

Thursday, October 3
DEADLINE to pay Annual & Class Fees
– includes enrollment, graduation, Winterim, year-long & first-semester class fees, and AP exam fees
DEADLINE to pay AP Exam fees – students who do not pay their AP exam fee(s) by this date will be dropped from their AP class(es)

School Picture Day is This Monday, September 16

School Picture Day is THIS MONDAY, September 16. This is a FULL DRESS DAY — wear your Full Dress Uniform and bring your best smile!

Parents: Picture package information is being sent home with students today. You can also pre-order your student’s photo package at — remember to use our Picture Day ID: UM559090Q0.

Winterim 2020 Registration

Independent Winterim Applications — Due THIS TUESDAY, September 17

The deadline to submit Independent Winterim applications is THIS TUESDAY, September 17 — please follow the instructions found in the 2020 Winterim Catalog for the NEW Independent Winterim application process.

Winterim Catalog

The 2020 Winterim Catalog is out now! Click here to start exploring which Winterim courses you may be interested in: 2020 Winterim Catalog

IMPORTANT: Pay special attention to the important dates and new registration procedures!

Student Fees Due by Thursday, October 3

All annual and year-long and first semester class fees have been charged to student accounts. This includes enrollment, graduation, Winterim, year-long class fees, first semester class fees & AP exam fees. Late fees will apply after this date. AP students who do not pay for their AP exam fee by this date will be dropped from their AP class.

Model United Nations

Your student can be an ambassador for a day on Friday, 8 November 2019! Over 300 students from the Wasatch Front participate in Model UN every year. Students will learn diplomacy, public speaking, parliamentary procedure, research, and resolution writing. Besides the General Assembly (GA1 and GA4) these committees need delegates: Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR), Security Council (SC), Environment Program (UNEP) and two special committees: Organization of American States (OAS-Spanish Only) and Model European Union (EU).

There is a $20 fee for participating in Model UN. We also need parent volunteers at BYU on Friday, 8 November.

Questions? Contact Mrs. Smith at

Maeser Science Fair

Our schoolwide Science Fair will be held on Wednesday, December 4 at 6:00pm in the Maeser lunchroom. Interested students should contact their science teachers for more information.

Volunteer Help Needed

Lunch & Learn

We need parent volunteers to help with our lunch and learn opportunities this year for teachers by providing refreshments: Lunch & Learn Refreshment Help. Thank you in advance!

Healthy Snacks

Can you help provide a supply of healthy snacks for students who just might need a little something to help them get through the day? Sign up here: Maeser Snack Drawer.

Sports Announcements


Are you a swimmer? Would you like to be a member of the Maeser Swim Team this year? The Maeser Swim Team is in its fourth consecutive year and growing! We would LOVE to have more swimmers join our team. Visit for details about registration, practice location, practice times, tentative meet schedule, pool locations, disclosure documents, links, and other pertinent information.

Please contact Head Coach Aaron Burg ( or Team Manager Daisy Stonely ( for further questions, concerns, or inquiries.