Maeser Updates: 12 April 2019

In this edition: Attendance School, Fiddler on the Roof, Volunteer Opportunities, Assessment Announcements & FAQs

Upcoming Dates and Deadlines

Front Office Hours
7:30am-4:00pm Tuesday-Thursday
7:30am-1:30pm Friday

Monday, April 15
SENIORS: **LAST DAY to Order Caps & Gowns for Graduation**
SENIORS: Deadline for Classical Literature Scholarship

Tuesday, April 16
7pm Maeser Board Meeting

April 18-20
Fiddler on the Roof

April 22-26
Spirit Week

Friday, April 26
Spirit Bowl Assembly

Monday, April 29
6:30pm Dancing with the Teachers

Attendance School

In order to better serve students, we are replacing our lunch-time attendance school with an early-morning option. Students who need to make up NGs can come to attendance school before school in Mrs. Slade’s room (across from the main office). Attendance school will start at 7:15 and finish at 7:45, in order to give students ample time to get to their first period class. Each 30 minute session will cost $2 (subject to change). Students must be on time, and remain the entire 30 minutes, for the session to count towards attendance make-up. Questions can be directed to

Fiddler on the Roof

Come see Maeser’s production of Fiddler on the Roof at the Valentine Theater in American Fork April 18-20! Tickets are reserved-seating and they are moving fast! Visit for information and to purchase tickets.

Volunteer Opportunities

Chili for Middle School Hoedown

It’s time for our annual middle school Hoe Down! It will be on Friday, April 19. We are providing a chili lunch to be served at 12:15. Click here for information and to sign up: Chili for Middle School Hoedown: April 19

Maeser Appreciation Week

Every year we have the chance to thank our faculty and staff during Maeser Appreciation Week. We provide a week of lunches and gift cards for each teacher. Click here for information and to sign up: Lunches & Gift Cards for Maeser Appreciation Week: May 6-10

Assessment Announcements

It’s that time of year again… when we start assessing student’s growth and proficiency in core subject areas!

As you may know, the contract the Utah State Board of Education had with the SAGE provider expired in 2018. We’re pleased to announce that SAGE has been replaced by two new summative assessments for students in grades 7-10 (as required by Utah Statute 53E-4-303).

Utah Statute 53E-4-304 also required USBE to select an assessment for 9th and 10th grade students that is predictive of a student’s college readiness as measured by the college readiness assessment most commonly submitted to local universities (the ACT). This new requirement resulted in a partnership with ACT to develop a special pre-ACT test for 9th and 10th grade students that also provides growth and proficiency scores for Utah standards.

These changes provide our students with an improved testing schedule that will help prepare them to succeed on the ACT and other college readiness exams.

11th Grade: ACT – February/March
Fixed-form high school assessment with subtests in Reading, English, Math, Science, and Writing – provides students with a full ACT score that can be included in college applications

9th and 10th Grades: Utah Aspire Plus – April/May
Fixed-form high school assessment with subtests in Reading, English, Math, and Science – provides students with a predictive score for the ACT

8th Grade: RISE – April/May
Multistage adaptive summative tests in English, Math, Science and Writing

7th Grade: RISE – April/May
Multistage adaptive summative tests in English, Math, and Science

2019 State Testing Schedule for Students in 7th-10th Grades

All students in grades 7, 8, 9, and 10 are scheduled to take RISE or Utah Aspire Plus on Thursday and Friday, May 2nd and 3rd. Testing will begin at 8:00am and end at 12:00pm each day of testing.

Students will be taking two test sections each day, and should bring homework to work on or a book to read in case they finish a test section before the end of each testing period.

Please make every effort to avoid scheduling appointments during state testing, to avoid interruptions and distractions during testing.

We appreciate your help in creating a focused and productive testing environment for our students!

Assessment FAQs

7th & 8th Grades: Readiness Improvement Success Empowerment (RISE)

What is RISE?
The RISE assessment is a multistage computer adaptive criterion referenced assessment system that includes summative tests for English, Math, Science, and Writing.

Will RISE be computer adaptive?
Yes, the statute requires these tests to be computer adaptive, but this assessment will be multistage adaptive instead of item adaptive like SAGE.

How does a multistage adaptive test differ from an item adaptive test?
Both testing methods are algorithm-based approaches to administering testing, but rather than selecting individual items, groups of items are selected, building the test in stages.

The biggest advantage for our students is that they will now be allowed to navigate backward and forward within each stage or test section, so they can review and revise their answers as needed! The inability to go back and change an answer to a previously submitted question was one of the biggest frustrations our students had when taking SAGE tests, so we’re thrilled that this functionality has been built in to RISE.

Which students will participate in RISE and for which subjects?
Maeser students in grades 7-8 will participate in RISE. Both grades will be tested in English, math, and science; in addition, 8th grade students will be tested in writing.

Why aren’t we assessing writing in all grades anymore?
The Utah State Board of Education made a policy decision to only assess writing in grades 5, 8, and 11. Writing is still part of the Utah English Language Arts standards and it is expected that students will be taught and assessed in those standards in their English classes.

How long will the tests take?
RISE tests will take about the same length of time as previous years’ tests took.

Where can I get more information about RISE?
The USBE has produced a short video introducing the new test – you can access it here: Introducing RISE (Readiness, Improvement, Success, Empowerment).

You can also download a brochure with information about RISE here: RISE Brochure.

9th and 10th Grades: Utah Aspire Plus

The Utah Aspire Plus is a hybrid of the ACT Aspire and test items covering Utah standards. This is a computer delivered, fixed-form high school assessment for students in grades 9 and 10. The test includes subtests for Reading, English, Math, and Science. The tests will provide students a predictive score for the ACT, which is taken by all Utah 11th grade students and is the most commonly submitted college readiness assessment for local universities.

What is Utah Aspire Plus? I’ve never heard of that test…
Utah Aspire Plus is a hybrid between ACT Aspire and assessment items covering Utah’s 9th and 10th grade standards in Reading, English, Math, and Science.

Will the test be administered in one sitting, like the ACT?
USBE left this up to local schools and districts to decide. Utah Aspire Plus is a longer test than the ACT, so Maeser has opted to give the four subtests over the course of two days.

Will Utah Aspire Plus be timed?
Yes, Utah Aspire Plus is a timed test – practice taking exams under timed conditions will help prepare students for success on timed high-stakes tests like the ACT.

Will the test be computer-adaptive, like SAGE?
No. While the text will be taken online like the SAGE, Utah Aspire Plus is a fixed-form test.

Why aren’t we assessing writing in all grades anymore?
The Utah State Board of Education made a policy decision to only assess writing in grades 5, 8, and 11. Writing is still part of the Utah English Language Arts standards and it is expected that students will be taught and assessed in those standards in their English classes.

What kind of score report will my student receive?
Utah Aspire Plus score reports will be very similar to the report provided by ACT for the ACT Aspire, including a predictive ACT score.

Maeser’s State Testing Schedule

When will Maeser be giving RISE and Utah Aspire Plus?
Maeser students in grades 7-10 will take RISE and Utah Aspire Plus on Thursday and Friday, May 2nd and 3rd. Testing will run from 8:00am to noon on both days.

What if my student has to miss one or both days of testing?
Missing a test day does not excuse the student from state testing. We will be pulling students out of class May 6-17 for make-up testing. Please make every effort to have your student here on the scheduled testing dates (May 2-3) so they can avoid missing class during the last two weeks before Final Exams.

Can I opt my student out of RISE or Utah Aspire Plus?
While we hope you will allow your student to participate in RISE and Utah Aspire Plus – both to receive feedback on areas your student can improve in preparation for the ACT and to help our school improve instruction – we will always respect a parent’s desire to exclude their student from state testing. Though you can submit a Parental Exclusion Form at any point, submitting the form to the school at least 24 hours prior to the date of the test helps us ensure that your student does not access the test and is not scheduled for make-up testing.