In this edition: LAST DAY to Purchase Yearbooks Before the Price Increases, Dancing with the Teachers + Silent Auction, Activities/Sports Eligibility Reminder, Uniform Sale at Timpanogos Embroidery
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Front Office Hours
7:30am-4:00pm Tuesday-Thursday
7:30am-1:30pm Friday
Friday, March 22
*LAST DAY* to buy Yearbooks at the regular $55 price!
Yearbooks go up to $65 after this date
April 1-5
*~*Spring Break*~*
Monday, April 15
Deadline for Classical Literature Scholarship (seniors)
Monday, April 29
6:30pm Dancing with the Teachers
LAST DAY to Purchase Yearbooks Before the Price Increases!
Don’t get stuck without a yearbook!
TODAY, March 22, is the LAST DAY to get your 2018-19 yearbook at the $55 regular price! After today, the yearbook price goes up to $65 until they’re gone.
Yearbooks can be purchased at the front desk during office hours or online on our RevTrak fee payment site.
WARNING: DO NOT WAIT until the last minute! In 2017-18 we SOLD OUT of yearbooks. Order your yearbook NOW to avoid disappointment on yearbook day!
Dancing with the Teachers
Dancing with the Teachers is coming up on April 29th, at 6:30pm. Come out with the whole family and enjoy an evening of fun family togetherness. Proceeds from this event will go toward the New Auditorium.
Silent Auction
NHS is looking for some items/gift cards/services that we could raffle off during Dancing with the Teachers. If you have something you would be willing to donate, please contact Nicole Murray ( All donations count towards your family’s service hour requirement for Maeser!
Activities/Sports Eligibility Reminder
REMEMBER: eligibility for sports/activities that occur during the 4th term will be based on a student’s 3rd term grades. The standard is a 2.7 with no Fs/NGs. In addition, any NGs/Fs from previous terms/years must be made up in order to be eligible.
Uniform Sale at Timpanogos Embroidery
Timpanogos Embroidery is holding its March Madness sale through March 31! All Maeser zipper hoodies and Lions crew neck sweatshirts are 20% off. Additionally, all remaining Maeser polos are 40% off until they are gone (limited to stock on hand). Visit