In this edition: Mandatory CERT Winterim Parent/Student Meeting, MS Thanksgiving/Cultural Potluck, NG Make-up on Flex Day, MS Spelling Bee, Sports Announcements (Wrestling, Activities/Sports Eligibility Changes for Q2 and Q3), Counseling Announcements (Junior CCRs, Concurrent Enrollment for 2nd Semester)
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Front Office Hours
7:30am-4:00pm Monday-Thursday
7:30am-1:30pm Friday
Monday, November 12
Re-enrollment for 2019-20 begins at the front office
3:30pm Mandatory CERT Winterim meeting for parents and students
Thursday, November 15
Winterim fees are DUE (if unpaid after this date, your student will be dropped from their Winterim)
3:30pm Math Girls Rock! meeting in Mrs. Plott’s room (302)
3:45pm Middle School Thanksgiving/Cultural Potluck
Saturday, November 17
7:00pm Broadway Rocks!
Saturday, December 1
$15 late fee applied to all outstanding balances. If you are having trouble paying your student’s fees, please contact the Finance Office at before December 1 so we can make arrangements. Thanks!
Monday, December 3
Fine Arts Showcase Assembly (schedule TBD)
Friday, December 7
Flex Day
December 13, 14, 17, 18
Final Exams: 8am-12:30pm
December 19-January 1
Christmas Break
Mandatory CERT Winterim Parent/Student Meeting
There will be a mandatory CERT Winterim meeting for parents and students Monday, November 12 at 3:30pm.
Middle School Thanksgiving/Cultural Potluck
All middle school students are invited to a Thanksgiving/Cultural potluck feast on Thursday, November 15 from 3:45-5:00pm.
There is no fee for this event — students simply need to bring a dish to share for their ticket into the feast. We have broken down food assignments according to last names.
A-E: veggies/salad/fruit
F-K: rolls/breads/desserts
L-P: potatoes
Q-V: soup
W-Z: drinks
If students prefer to bring a dish from their culture, they don’t need to worry about the food list assignments.
NG Make-up on Flex Day
Did you know your student can make up NGs on Flex Day on December 7? Have your student stop at the front office before going to work with their teachers, and we’ll give them a form to have their teachers sign so we can credit their Flex Day time toward their NGs.
Middle School Spelling Bee
There will be a middle school spelling bee during Middle School Intensives (MSI) for all 7th and 8th graders. Click here for details: 2019 Spelling Bee
Sports Announcements
Maeser Prep will be starting a wrestling program with practices beginning this week. Contact Jared Norris ( for more information.
Activities/Sports Eligibility Changes for the 2nd Term
Grades for Quarter 1 have now been posted in PowerSchool. Students must have earned a 2.7 GPA with no Fs/NGs for the 1st term in order to be eligible to participate in activities/sports at Maeser Prep during the 2nd term and must maintain this GPA during the 2nd term in order to remain eligible.
Activities/Sports Eligibility Changes for 3rd Term and Beyond
Students must earn a 2.7 GPA with no Fs/NGs for the 2nd term in order to be eligible to participate in activities sports during the 3rd term. In addition to this standard, any high school students who have NGs/Fs from any previous high school courses will be required to make up the F/NG before they are eligible to participate in activities/sports. Contact the counselors to learn more about options for making up these courses.
Counseling Announcements
Junior CCRs
Parents of Juniors: If you have not made an appointment for your student’s CCR, (college and career readiness meeting) please do so now.
Concurrent Enrollment for 2nd Semester
Students planning on taking a Concurrent Enrollment class during 2nd semester need to begin the admission process NOW! Visit UVU Concurrent Enrollment for details and to begin the admission process.
Students planning on taking Math 1030 or Math 1060 next semester need to make sure to register for these classes before Christmas Break.