Maeser Updates: 5 October 2018

In this edition: 11th Grade PSAT Day + Senior Graduation Prep Seminar, End of Term on Friday 10/12, Friday Mentoring Opportunities, HS and MS Math Teams, Region/State Drama Competition, Math Girls Rock!, Dead Poets Concert, Driver Education Class, Model United Nations, Maeser Halloween Celebrations, ACT Prep Course Sign-up, Volunteer Help Needed (Breakfast for 11th Grade PSAT and Senior Graduation Prep Day, College Application Day, College Carnival), Reminder: Grooming and Appearance, After-School Ski/Snowboard Program at Brighton Ski Resort, Sports Announcements (HS Girls Basketball Tryouts, Activities/Sports Eligibility Changes for Q2 and Q3), Monthly Scholarship Roundup

Upcoming Dates and Deadlines

Front Office Hours
7:30am-4:00pm Monday-Thursday
7:30am-1:30pm Friday

Wednesday, October 10
Testing/Senior Graduation Prep Day – juniors and seniors only on campus
7:30am Breakfast
8am-12:30pm PSAT for Juniors (juniors ONLY)
8am-12:00pm Senior Graduation Prep Seminar with the counselors (seniors ONLY)
NO SCHOOL for students in grades 7-10. ONLY juniors and seniors will be allowed on campus — please make other arrangements for your students in other grades.

Thursday, October 11
3:30pm Math Girls Rock! Meeting in room 302
3:45-4:30pm Region/State Drama Competition Information Meeting in the Drama room

Friday, October 12
Last day of Quarter 1

Tuesday, October 16
**Last day to make up NGs to remain eligible to participate in Q2 sports/activities!**

Thursday-Friday, October 18-19
Fall Break – NO SCHOOL

Monday, October 22
Junior CCRs and 2019-20 Class Requests Begin
Credit Recovery Winterim assigned after 1st term grades finalized
4:00pm Driver Education class begins (sign up in the front office)
6:30pm Dead Poets Concert in the gym

Friday, October 26
Model United Nations at BYU
Dress up: Maeser Halloween approved dress code (no masks, complete face coverings, weapons, or blood/gore allowed)
12:00pm Trunk or Treat in the Seminary parking lot

Saturday, October 27
ACT National Test Administration at Maeser

Thursday, November 1
Winterim fees available to pay online or in the front office

Monday, November 5
4:00pm HS Girls Basketball Tryouts

Thursday, November 15
Winterim fees are DUE (if unpaid after this date, your student will be dropped from their Winterim)

11th Grade PSAT Day + Senior Graduation Prep Seminar: Wednesday, October 10

On Wednesday, October 10, all Maeser juniors will be given the opportunity to take the PSAT — a pre-SAT test offered by the College Board. This is a free opportunity for our juniors to enter the National Merit Scholarship Competition. PSAT Student Guides, which include a free practice test, were sent home with juniors this week.

In order to create a focused testing environment for our juniors, we have set aside this day for PSAT testing and our annual senior college application and graduation preparation seminar only. There will be NO SCHOOL on October 10 for students who are not in 11th or 12th grades. Please make other arrangements for your students in grades 7, 8, 9, and 10 on that day, as we will not have space or supervision available for them on our campus.

End of Term is Friday, October 12

Grades for Quarter 1 will be finalized over Fall Break. On Monday, October 22, if students are not on track for graduation or have failed any courses first term (or have NGs due to attendance), they will be automatically placed in the Credit Recovery Winterim.

Friday Mentoring Opportunities

Mentoring is one of the core principles of Classical education, and one of the things we do well at Maeser. Every Friday students can take advantage of mentoring opportunities provided by our faculty.

Here is the link to the schedule of upcoming mentoring opportunities: Friday Mentoring Opportunities.

HS and MS Math Teams

The High School Math Team meets on Mondays, during lunch. The Middle School Math Team meets on Thursdays during lunch. If you are interested in participating with either of these groups, you will need to fill out a permission slip and return it to Mrs. Plott (HS permission slips are due on 10/8 and MS permission slips on 10/11).

The fee for participating with either Math Team is $45, which includes pizza, prizes, and all of the competitions. (Please do not pay the fee until after you have been registered for the team.)

Region/State DRAMA Competition

Thursday the 11th after school (3:45-4:30) in the Drama Room there will be an informational meeting for students interested in competing at Region/State this year. We will talk about auditions, schedules, grades, costs, and any questions you have!

Math Girls Rock!

Math Girls Rock! is an after school math program for girls, sponsored by UVU. Our first meeting will be on Thursday, October 11th, right after school. This is open to girls in grades 7-12. We will learn fun math concepts, play fun math games, and compete for some nerdy prizes. Pizza, as always, is provided. There is no cost to participate, but a permission slip is needed. Contact Mrs. Plott ( for more information.

Dead Poets Concert

When? Monday, October 22 from 6:30-7:30pm
Where? Maeser gym

Save the date!! Come join us for a fun evening of music, theatrical performances, and recitations from great minds of the past! All choirs will be performing, many of the Shakespeare pieces will be presented, and other readings by famous, dead poets. Add a little culture to your Halloween this year! Contact Erin Smith with questions.

Driver Education Class

We are now registering our Maeser Students for Drivers Ed! Wright Driving will be holding an after-school Driver Education course at Maeser on 10/22-11/2 (excluding Halloween). Let’s get you out on the road and get your Utah Driver License! Sign up in the front office. Questions? Contact Mr. Norris ( or call Wright Driving School at 801-209-2328.

Model United Nations

Model United Nations is coming up on Friday, October 26! We will leave KGMPA at 7:30am and return by 5:00pm. Our school is representing the Czech Republic, Egypt, Haiti, and Hungary. There is still time to prepare and there are a few openings — contact Mrs. Smith for details!

Maeser Halloween Celebrations: Friday, October 26

We will be celebrating Halloween on Friday, October 26. Students will be allowed to wear Halloween costumes to school. All costumes must fit the Maeser-approved Halloween dress code: no masks, complete face coverings, weapons, or blood/gore allowed; costumes must be modest, covering all areas that would normally be covered by the school uniform.

After school during Mentoring (12:00-12:45pm), we will hold our annual Trunk or Treat in the Seminary parking lot. Families are invited to help set up their trunks and hand out treats during Mentoring! Parents: if you donate candy and/or come and participate, please count this toward your volunteer hours.

ACT Prep Course Session 1: November 1, 8, and 15

We only have two weeks left for Sophomores to sign up for this opportunity! After this, we will open up the class for students in other grades to join. Our Trustlands funding will pay for each of our Sophomores to take one session of ACT Prep. For everyone else, the course is $125. Sign up at the front desk.

Can’t make it to the November class?

Session 2 will be held March 14, 21, and 28. Session 3 will be held April 25, May 2, and May 9.

Volunteer Help Needed

URGENT: Breakfast for 11th Grade PSAT and Senior Graduation Prep Day: Wednesday, October 10

We would like to provide a breakfast for our junior class before they take the PSAT and for our senior class as they meet with the counselors to learn about scholarships. For more details and to sign up, please visit our SignUp Genius: Breakfast for Juniors and Seniors on October 10.

College Application Day: Wednesday, November 7

Our counselors are looking for parent volunteers to assist seniors in their Socratic classes on Wednesday, November 7th, as they work on and submit college applications. These volunteers would help support the students as they work on the applications. This may include some basic proofreading, answering questions, and being supportive. For more details and to sign up, please visit our SignUp Genius: College Application Day: Wednesday, November 7.

College Carnival: Friday, November 9

Our counselors need parent volunteers to run the annual College Carnival on Friday, November 9 from 1-3 pm. This mainly involves being present and running the game booths. We also need baked goods for the carnival as well as water bottles for the college reps. For more details and to sign up, please visit our SignUp Genius: College Carnival: Friday, November 9.

REMINDER: Grooming and Appearance

PARENTS: We are noticing an increase in students coming to school in violation of our grooming and appearance policy. Please help us maintain a focused educational environment by encouraging your student to come to school in uniform, including following our grooming and appearance standards.

a. Hair must be kept neat, clean, and well-groomed. If a hairstyle is deemed distracting by an administrator for any reason, that style will not be permitted. Eyes must be visible. No designs or carvings (including mohawks) are permitted. No unnatural hair colors are permitted. Men must have their hair cut above the collar, and part of the ears must be visible without altering their hair. Boys may not have ponytails, pigtails, buns, or braids. Men may not have hair that is tucked behind the ears or styled to look like it doesn’t cover the ears. Men must be clean-shaved; beards and mustaches are prohibited. Sideburns may not extend beyond the earlobe or onto the cheek.

b. Makeup may not be distracting. Teachers and administrators may prohibit makeup which is distracting, inappropriate, or unnatural-looking in their opinion. Glitter, artificial tattoos, etc. are prohibited. Permanent tattoos must be covered.

c. Jewelry may not be distracting. Students wearing distracting jewelry will be asked to remove any such items. Body piercing jewelry, including nose piercing, is prohibited in both men and women except that young women may wear modest, non-distracting earrings. Men may not wear earrings. Gauge-style earrings are not permitted.

After-School Ski/Snowboard Program at Brighton Ski Resort

In February and March 2019, Brighton Ski Resort will be offering group ski/snowboard lessons for Maeser families (limited space available). This is an after-school activity provided by Brighton Ski Resort and is not sponsored or run by the school. In order to participate in this activity, the participant must be 8 years old or older.

The ski/snowboard program will run for 5 consecutive weeks in 2019 — February 22, March 1, 8, 15, and 22 — from 4:15 to 6:15pm. After each lesson, the students will be able to ski and snowboard on their own until 9:00pm.

The cost of the ski program is $125 ($25 per student per day) for students ages 8 and up. This price includes the lesson and the night pass to ski/snowboard. Ski and snowboard rentals, which include boots, poles, skis, or snowboards, are available for $75 ($15 per day). There is no pro-rating for lessons or rentals that are unused. You may also choose to bring your own gear. Helmets are highly recommended but are not part of the rental package.

This program is sponsored and run by Brighton Ski Resort. Transportation to/from the resort is the responsibility of the student/family. Neither Maeser nor Brighton will be providing transportation. However, there is a UTA bus that runs to the resort if you do not wish to drive.

Once lessons begin, there will be no refunds or make ups, unless the program is cancelled due to a road closure, in which case a make-up day will be scheduled for the entire group.

Class sizes should not exceed 10 students and all classes will have a minimum of 5 students. If a student skis/rides at an extremely high level, they may be combined with the group that is closest to their ability.

More information with the link to provide payment and forms to download will be coming in future weeks. There is limited space. When capacity has been reached, the link will be taken down. If you have questions, feel free to email Laralee Ireland at It should be a fun time on the slopes!

Sports Announcements

HS Girls Basketball Tryouts: November 5

See Coach Call if you are interested in trying out. She has a pre-season conditioning packet to help you get ready for the season.

Activities/Sports Eligibility Changes for the 2nd Term

Students must earn a 2.7 GPA with no Fs/NGs for the 1st term in order to be eligible to participate in activities/sports at Maeser Prep during the 2nd term and must maintain this GPA during the 2nd term in order to remain eligible.

Activities/Sports Eligibility Changes for 3rd Term and Beyond

Students must earn a 2.7 GPA with no Fs/NGs for the 2nd term in order to be eligible to participate in activities sports during the 3rd term. In addition to this standard, any high school students who have NGs/Fs from any previous high school courses will be required to make up the F/NG before they are eligible to participate in activities/sports. Contact the counselors to learn more about options for making up these courses.

Monthly Scholarship Roundup

Important FAFSA Information

Seniors and parents: If you are planning on filling out the FAFSA on Wednesday, October 10, be sure you have created an FSA ID. You can do that here: FAFSA Information.

Mrs. Sorenson will be available to help fill out the FAFSA on October 10th. The FAFSA is now a required part of the Regent’s Scholarship.

What do I need to submit the FAFSA?

  • Your federal income tax returns, W-2s, and other records of money earned. (Note: You may be able to transfer your federal tax return information into your FAFSA using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool.) For the 2018-19 FAFSA, use 2016 tax info. For the 2019-20 FAFSA, use 2017 tax info.
  • If you are a dependent student, you will also need your parents’ tax information.
  • Your Social Security Number
  • Your Alien Registration Number (if you are not a U.S. citizen)
  • Bank statements and records of investments (if applicable)
  • Records of untaxed income (if applicable)
  • An FSA ID to sign electronically (more information here: FAFSA Information).

Scholarship Opportunities at Snow College

Scholarship Open Houses
Next week Snow College will be hosting Scholarship Open Houses in Sandy, Layton, Logan and Orem. They will be awarding academic scholarships on the spot, waiving application fees, and having representatives to answer questions about Financial Aid, housing, areas of study and student life. If you know of seniors that are interested in attending Snow or would benefit from a scholarship please invite them to attend. They will need to apply to Snow and provide a copy of their transcript and ACT scores to be considered for a scholarship. They may apply before arriving or Snow College reps can help them that evening. This is an amazing opportunity for your seniors — spread the word! Please see your counselor for the dates and locations for each Open House.

SnowBlasts are Snow College’s signature events catered to high school junior and seniors to visit campus and experience what it’s like to be a Snow College student. At the SnowBlasts students will receive a campus tour and information about attending college, participate in fun activities where they can meet and mingle with other SnowBlasters and college students, stay overnight with an Ambassador in college housing, eat on campus and receive an exclusive Snow College T-shirt!

Lynn Jensen Memorial Scholarship

Open to Utah high school seniors who plan to attend college. Four $1000 awards. For information and to apply, click here:

Montana State University

Did you know that Montana State University has scholarships for out of state freshmen? Apply here: Montana State University Non-Resident Freshmen Scholarships.

Boston University Trustee Scholarship

Applications due: December 1, 2018

my529 Education Savings Plan

Higher education is priceless. Meet your educational savings goals with my529’s plan. Visit to learn how. Scholarships

StepUP to Higher Education Scholarship Toolkit