In this edition: Annual College Tour for Juniors, 11th Grade ACT Day, Host Families Needed for Foreign Exchange Students Next Year
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Front Office Hours This Week
7:30am-4:00pm Monday-Thursday
7:30am-1:00pm Friday
Wednesday, January 31
7:30am JUNIORS: Annual College Tour
Full Dress Uniforms required
Saturday, February 17
8:00-11:00pm HS Sweethearts Dance (Girls Choice)
Tuesday, February 27
11th Grade ACT **juniors only**
Annual College Tour for Juniors
All juniors and their parents are invited to attend the Annual College Tour at PG High School this Wednesday, January 31st. Colleges and universities from around the state will be presenting; you will have the opportunity to hear from three colleges of your choice.
Date: Wednesday, January 31
Departure time: We will leave Maeser at 7:30am
Return time: We will be back at the school by 11:00am
Wear: FULL DRESS uniforms
Bring: A parent permission slip is required for attendance
Questions? Contact your counselor:
Mrs. Anderson (last names A-J):
Ms. Sorenson (last names K-Z):
11th Grade ACT Day: Tuesday, February 27
On Tuesday, February 27, all 11th-grade students in the State of Utah will be taking the ACT. This is a free opportunity for all juniors to take the ACT! **Your junior is already registered; you do not need to do anything to sign them up for this ACT administration.**
Administration of this test will follow all ACT standards, so in order to create the required testing environment for our juniors, we have set aside this day for ACT testing only. Tuesday, February 27 will be an ACT-testing-only day for our school. There will be NO SCHOOL that day for students who are not in 11th grade.
Due to the need for an undisturbed testing environment, ACT does not allow us to have any students on campus who are not part of the ACT administration. Please make other arrangements for your students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 on February 27 as we will not have space or supervision available for them on our campus that day. As this is an official ACT administration, we will be unable to interrupt testing to check students out. We appreciate your help in ensuring a good testing environment for our juniors!
To help students prepare for the ACT, free ACT practice materials are available (for students in all grades) at Find our school from the alphabetized school picker, click “Let’s Go”, and create an account – the student Magic Word is ARCHES. (Contact your counselor for more details or if you need help creating your account.)
Host Families Needed for Foreign Exchange Students Next Year
Is this your year to host a foreign exchange student? SHARE is currently accepting applications for volunteer families who are interested in hosting an exchange student in their home for the 2018-19 school year. Foreign exchange students come for ten months (the full school year) and make a great contribution to our school, our community, and to your family. Students are carefully selected and screened, and they come with their own health insurance and spending money — all that is required from you is a bed, food, and welcome.
If your family is interested in hosting an exchange student next year, please contact Wendy Waldes for more information: or 801-709-3583.