Maeser Updates: 12 January 2018

In this edition… Reminders from the Front Office: Student Names in Uniform Items and Winterim/MSI Attendance & NGs, Winterim and MSI Announcements: Maeser Escape Rooms and Parent Volunteers Needed for two MSI Classes, Winterfest Parent Volunteer Needs, Used Uniform Sale at Winterfest, Into the Woods Auditions, Music Announcements: Semester 2 Openings in HS Choirs and New Music Program Sponsorships, Spring Ultimate Frisbee, After School Ski Program at Brighton, Charter Family Night at the Utah Capitol

Upcoming Dates and Deadlines

Front Office Hours This Week
Monday-Friday: 8:30am-2:30pm

Tuesday, January 2-Saturday, January 20: Winterim & Middle School Intensives
School hours 9:00am-2:00pm Monday-Friday
Regular Maeser uniforms required

Monday, January 15
Martin Luther King Jr. Day – NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, January 16
10:30-11:30am Middle School Spelling Bee
11:30am-12:00pm LUNCH – note: time change due to Spelling Bee

Saturday, January 20: Winterfest
11:00am-2:00pm Winterfest
10:30am-1:30pm Used Uniform Sale – see details and instructions below

Monday, January 22
Snow Make-up Day – NO SCHOOL (unless needed to make up a snow day)

Tuesday, January 23
Start of Semester 2

January 23-25
Auditions for Into the Woods

Reminders from the Front Office

Student Names in Uniform Items

Has your student lost a uniform item? We often have lost uniform items show up at the front desk. If we can find your student’s name written or sewn in the item, we are easily able to return those items to your student. This is especially important for expensive items like blazers and cardigans! Please take a moment to make sure your student’s uniform items can be identified if they are separated from your student. (Even their pants. It’s surprising how often students change for an activity and then lose track of their uniform.)

Winterim/MSI Attendance and NGs

Does your student have an NG in PowerSchool for Winterim or MSI? Attendance for Winterim/MSI is taken twice each day (for both the morning and afternoon periods), so those absences can add up quickly! A student may have a combination of six (6) parent-excused absences and/or tardies for the duration of Winterim/MSI. Once the student receives a seventh tardy or parent-excused absence, their grade automatically becomes an NG (No Grade). Any unexcused absence automatically triggers an NG.

Full-day absences and first period tardies may be excused up to 10 school days after the date of the absence. First period absences and other late check-ins or early check-outs must be excused on the day of the absence.

Attendance School will resume during lunch on Tuesday, January 23rd. Students will have until Friday, February 9 to make up Quarter 2 and/or Winterim/MSI NGs, either in Attendance School or by doing service with a teacher.

Questions? Contact the attendance office at Thanks for helping us keep your student’s attendance records up to date!

Winterim and MSI Announcements

Maeser Escape Rooms

The Escape Room Winterim students have created a series of 30 minute escape rooms. This is a great opportunity to bring your family and friends together in a fun, team-building activity for a fraction of a normal escape room’s cost. All proceeds will be donated towards building a Maeser auditorium.

  • Admission is $5 per person per room
  • Ask about student, family, or multi-room discounts!
  • Max capacity varies by room but is typically around 6 people

To sign up for a time, first check availability here and then send an email to or

Parent Volunteers Needed for 7th Grade Ancient Foods & Clothing

The 7th grade Ancient Foods and Clothing class needs parent volunteer helpers on the following days/times to help with the weaving part of the Clothing sections:

  • Tuesday, January 16: 9-10:30am and 12-2pm
  • Friday, January 19: 9-11:15am and 11:45am-2pm

If you are able to help, please contact Trudy Sumsion at Thank you!

REMINDER – 7th grade Groups A and B: please remember to bring an old repurposeable T-shirt and a pair of scissors capable of cutting cloth to your Ancient Foods and Clothing class on Tuesday the 16th! The class will be much more fun if you remember to bring these with you.

Parent Volunteers Needed for 8th Grade Coding

Do you have a strong Javascript background? The 8th grade Coding class needs parent volunteers with a strong background coding in Javascript to help in class next week! We need help in the following sections:

  • Tuesday, January 16: 9-10:30am and 12-2pm
  • Wednesday, January 17: 9-11:15am and 11:45am-2pm
  • Thursday, January 18: 9-11:15am and 11:45am-2pm
  • Friday, January 19: 9-11:15am and 11:45am-2pm

If you are able to help, please contact Mrs. MacDuff at Thank you!

Winterfest Parent Volunteer Needs

Cookies for Winterfest

We’ll be celebrating Karl G. Maeser’s birthday at Winterfest this year, and we need volunteers who can bring cookies for refreshments. Sign up here: Bring Cookies for Winterfest.

Help with Used Uniform Sale at Winterfest

It’s time for our semi-annual used uniform sale! We need parent volunteers to help set up and organize uniforms before the sale, help during the sale (1-hour shifts), and help clean up after the sale. Sign up here: Help with Used Uniform Sale.

Used Uniform Sale at Winterfest

To help our students and their families, we are pleased to hold a used school uniform sale that will include gently worn clothing. This sale is an opportunity to allow parents to resell their students uniforms, and for parents to purchase needed uniforms in good condition at a low cost.

When? Saturday, January 20, 2018 from 10:30am-1:30pm
Where? Maeser Library
Who? All Maeser families are invited!

  • To Volunteer: Volunteer help is needed! Sign up to help us on our Maeser Sign Up Genius page.
  • To Purchase: The Used Uniform Sale is CASH ONLY — bring lots of small bills (ex. $1 and $5).
  • To Sell Used Items: Drop off labeled items in the Library from 9:30am-10:30am on Saturday, January 20 and sign a Maeser Uniform Sale Parent Waiver Form. See detailed instructions below.
  • To Pick Up Money and Unsold Clothing: **NEW** Due to liability and school regulations, envelopes with cash in them from your sold uniforms and/or any unsold uniform clothing items must be picked up at the end of the uniform sale (1:45pm) with a photo ID.

How to Sell Your Uniforms

All items must be laundered and have no holes, tears or stains. Label each item by safety pinning an envelope to each item. Each envelope needs your first and last name, gender and size of clothing item (ex. Women’s Small), and sale price written on each envelope. When your item is sold the money will go inside the envelope for you to pick up at the end of the sale (1:45pm).

**NEW REQUIREMENT** Used Uniform Sale Waiver

To be able to sell your used uniform clothing, you must sign a Maeser Uniform Sale Parent Waiver Form at the time you drop off your labeled clothing, agreeing to the terms of the sale, indicating release of liability of Maeser and volunteers running the sale, acknowledgement to pick up donated items/money at the end of the uniform sale (1:45pm) or they will be considered donations to the school, and the name(s) of those who will be allowed to pick up items/money at the end of the sale (a driver’s license will be required).

**NEW REQUIREMENT** Item/Money Pick-up Required by End of Sale (1:45pm)

Important note: Due to liability and school regulations, envelopes with cash in them from your sold uniforms and any unsold uniform clothing items must be picked up at the end of the uniform sale (1:45pm) with a photo ID.

Pick up or Donate: If you want your unsold uniforms back, you must come to the Library at the end of the sale to reclaim them. Envelopes with cash and uniform items that are not picked up at the end of the sale will be considered a donation to the school. Maeser will use the clothing and money to benefit the students at Maeser.

Suggested Pricing Guidelines

To help our school community, the Maeser Uniform Committee has created a suggested guideline for pricing:

  • Polo shirts: $3-$5
  • Dress shirts: $3-$5
  • Cardigans: $10
  • Shorts: $3-$5
  • Pants: $3-$5
  • Skirts: $5-$8
  • PE clothing: $2-$5
  • Ties: $5
  • Blazers: $25
  • Embroidered Sweater $10
  • Sweatshirts: $10
  • Hooded Jackets: $10 – $15


Email or

Into the Woods Auditions: January 23-25

If you like to sing and want to be a part of this spectacular, moving musical, sign up for auditions! See Mr. Hults with any questions:

Music Announcements

Semester 2 Openings in HS Choirs

Both high school choirs have openings for next semester. Men are especially encouraged to join! Contact Mrs. Vincent ( or your counselor for details.

New: Music Program Sponsorships

Help Maeser build an auditorium! All of Maeser’s performing arts need this performance venue. You can help by sponsoring the Music Department in 2018. Choose from four levels of support in the front office — the top level, Founder, gives you admission to concerts with other perks for five years!

Sponsorship information is available in the front office. Be a part of something magnificent!

Spring Ultimate Frisbee

Signups for Spring Ultimate are now open! The $75 participation fee for Spring Ultimate is due by January 26.

After School Ski Program at Brighton

Brighton Ski Resort will be offering group ski/snowboard lessons for Maeser families (limited space available). The lessons will run for 5 consecutive Fridays — February 16 and 23, and March 2, 9 and 16 — from 4:15 to 6:15pm. After each lesson, the students will be able to ski and snowboard on their own until 9:00pm.

A parent or chaperone must be on the mountain for all students who are under 18 years old. The parent/chaperone may choose to sign up to take lessons or ski/snowboard (at the same price) or just enjoy being on the mountain without skiing/snowboarding (no cost).

The cost of the ski program is $125 ($25 per student per day) for students ages 8 and up. Ski and snowboard rentals, which include boots, poles, skis, or snowboards, are available for $70 ($14 per day). Program costs will not be prorated for lessons or rentals that are unused. Once lessons begin, there will be no refunds or make ups, unless the program is cancelled due to a road closure, in which case a make-up day will be scheduled for the entire group.

This program is sponsored and run by Brighton Ski Resort. No transportation to/from the resort will be provided. If a participant misses lessons for any reason, including lack of transportation, no refunds will be given.

The deadline to sign up for the Maeser Ski/Snowboard program at Brighton Ski Resort is Friday, January 26 — registration may close sooner if the enrollment limit is reached. To download the documents you’ll need to fill out and return to the Maeser front office, click here: The registration form (pages 2 and 3), release forms, and ski/snowboard school rental agreement form, if rentals at Brighton are desired, as well as payment must be turned in on or before this date.

Optional PE credit is available (additional time and work will be required in addition to the lessons). Questions about PE credit? Email Coach Kemper at

Questions about the ski/snowboard program (not related to PE credit)? Email

Charter Family Night at the Utah Capitol

Utah Charter Network’s Charter Family Night at the Utah Capitol is scheduled the evening of Monday, March 5, 2018 between 7:00 pm and 8:30 pm. You and your family are invited to attend this informative “insiders tour” of the Capitol and fun evening learning about the legislative process and speaking with legislators.