In this edition: Testing/Senior Graduation Prep Day, Dead Poets Concert, Model United Nations, MS Late Work Deadline, HS Winter Sports Eligibility, Counseling Announcements: Credit Recovery Winterim, College Night, Junior CCR Appointments, Monthly Scholarship Roundup
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Front Office Hours
7:30am-4:00pm Monday-Thursday
7:30am-1:00pm Friday
Wednesday, October 11
Testing/Senior Graduation Prep Day – juniors and seniors *only* on campus
8am-1pm PSAT for Juniors (juniors ONLY)
8am-1pm Senior Graduation Prep Seminar with the counselors (seniors only)
No other students allowed on campus — please make other arrangements for your students in grades 7-10.
Thursday, October 12
Model U.N. in room 212 during lunch
MS Late Work Deadline (details below)
Dead Poets Concert at 7:00pm in the gym – admission is $1 (proceeds will go toward building an auditorium)
Friday, October 13
Last day of Quarter 1
Last day for Winterim class changes
Model U.N. at BYU
Monday, October 16
Winterim fees assessed
Thursday-Friday, October 19-20
Fall Break – NO SCHOOL
Friday, October 27
Trunk or Treat during Mentoring
8-11pm HS Halloween Stomp
Wednesday, November 15
Final Winterim fee payments due
11th Grade PSAT and Senior Graduation Prep Seminar: Wednesday, October 11
In order to create a focused testing environment for our juniors, we have set aside this day for PSAT testing and the senior graduation preparation seminar only. There will be NO SCHOOL on October 11 for students who are not in 11th or 12th grades. Please make other arrangements for your students in grades 7, 8, 9, and 10 on that day, as we will not have space or supervision available for them on our campus.
11th Grade PSAT
This Wednesday, October 11, all Maeser juniors will be given the opportunity to take the PSAT — a pre-SAT test offered by the College Board. This is a free opportunity for our juniors to enter the National Merit Scholarship Competition. We will start the day with breakfast at 8:00am and will move juniors to their testing rooms at 8:30am. Testing is anticipated to end at about 1:00pm, after which students will be dismissed.
Senior Graduation Preparation Seminar
Also on Wednesday, October 11, all seniors will be participating in a college application and graduation preparation seminar with the counselors. We will be working on scholarship applications, career interest inventories and filling out the FAFSA. Create your FSA-ID BEFORE Wednesday morning: (Many scholarships require the FAFSA and beginning 2019 the Regents will require it to be filled out as part of the application process.)
Dead Poets Concert
Mark your calendars and plan to join us this Thursday, October 12th, at 7:00pm in the gym, as our choir and orchestra students present our annual Dead Poets Night concert — a new Maeser tradition! Thrill in the dark to music from the spooky to the sublime, poetry readings by selected Socratic and drama students, and a special appearance by guest poet/reader Justin Kennington — all featuring the work of authors dead and gone. Admission: $1.00 (larger donations accepted) toward building Maeser’s own auditorium!
Model United Nations
Model United Nations will meet this Thursday, October 12th for the last time before the competition at BYU. Please come to room 212 during lunch Thursday for final details. Questions? Email Mrs. Smith at
National Geographic Magazines
Over 500 National Geographic Magazines are available at no cost. Mrs. Smith is reducing her collection. Take one or all — many pre-1970. They are going, going, gone by October 13th.
Middle School Late Work Deadline
For teachers that allow late work in the middle school, the deadline for turning in this work will be Thursday, October 12th.
High School Winter Sports: Academic Eligibility
Any high school students wanting to participate in a winter sport (basketball, swimming) must be academically eligible and eligibility will be based on a student’s 1st term grades. To be eligible, a student must have a minimum of a 2.0 average with no Fs/NGs. If a student has an NG it must be made up by the end of the 1st term.
Counseling Announcements
Credit Recovery Winterim
Students who do not pass their Q1 and Q2 classes will be moved to the Credit Recovery Winterim so they can stay on track for graduation. Please check your student’s grades in PowerSchool — Quarter 1 ends in just one week!
College Night
Representatives from Snow College, the University of Utah, Arizona State, and BYU will be at American Heritage School Tuesday, October 10th from 6:00-8:00pm to discuss:
- *Admission Requirements
- *Admission Applications
- *School Trends
- *Financial Aid and Scholarships
- *Important Dates and Deadlines
Junior CCR Appointments
It is time to schedule an appointment with your student’s counselor for their Junior College and Career Readiness meeting. We will cover important information about being on track for graduation in high school, preparing for college, and the students will be selecting their course requests for next year. Appointments begin on Oct 8th and run through Nov 11th. Please make sure you are in the correct time-zone on your Google calendar so you don’t miss your appointment! All our appointment times are within school hours.
To schedule an appointment with Mrs. Anderson (A-J):
To schedule an appointment with Mrs. Sorenson (K-Z):
Monthly Scholarship Roundup
Step Up Utah Scholarship of the Month
“Voice of Democracy” Scholarship
Award: $1,500
Deadline: October 30, 2017
Young Writers Award
The goal of this award is to recognize outstanding writing achievement by high school students across the country. Submit entries at Deadline for entries is November 1st.
Daniels Scholarship
Applications open through November 30 @ 4pm MST. Daniels Fund Scholarship information
Prudential Spirit of Community Award
Middle school or High school students who are making a difference through volunteering can apply for the 2018 Prudential Spirit of Community Award. Learn more at