In this edition: Deadline for Q1 NG Make-up, Talent Showcase Assembly, ACT Prep Course, Music Announcements: Symphony Group, HS Basketball Tryouts, 2019 Galapagos Winterim Registration Discount, Tell Me About: Upcoming Fee Payment Deadlines, NEW Policy Updates, and How to Pay Fees Online
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Front Office Hours
7:30am-4:00pm Monday-Thursday
7:30am-1:00pm Friday
Tuesday, October 31
LAST DAY to make up Quarter 1 NGs in Attendance School
Thursday, November 2
2:20pm Talent Showcase Assembly – bell schedule for Thursday: Talent Showcase Assembly Schedule
3:45-7:45pm ACT Prep Class
Monday, November 6
HS Basketball tryouts begin
Wednesday, November 15
Final Winterim fee payments due – unpaid fees will result in student being dropped from their selected Winterim!
Friday, December 1
$25 late fee assessed on all accounts with outstanding balances. Beginning December 1, a $25 late fee will be assessed every month for outstanding balances. Sports and Winterim fees may not be put on a payment plan. If you need to set up a payment plan for other fees, please email
DEADLINE for Quarter 1 NG Make-up
This Tuesday, October 31 is the LAST day to make up Quarter 1 NGs! If your student has an NG (No Grade) in one or more Quarter 1 classes, please talk with them about making those up in attendance school before the October 31 deadline. Questions? Contact our attendance secretary at
Talent Showcase Assembly: Thursday, November 2
This Thursday, November 2, is our annual Talent Showcase Assembly! We will be on a special bell schedule that day: Talent Showcase Assembly Schedule. Parents are invited to attend the assembly – please sign in at the front desk and arrive by 2:00pm to be seated. **PLEASE NOTE: if you will need to check out your student for an appointment on Thursday afternoon, you may wish to pick them up before 2:15pm so we don’t have to wait for a talent showcase number to end before we can locate your student in the assembly to pull them out for you.**
ACT Prep Course
The next session of the ACT Prep class starts Thursday, November 2 and will also meet on Thursday, November 9 and Thursday, November 16. The class meets from 3:45-7:45pm on each of the three days. Sophomores: your course fee has been paid by our Trustlands funds and is FREE. Many of our students have increased their ACT scores from 1-10 points. The course is open to all other students for $125. Sign up at the front desk.
Music Announcements: Symphony Group
Music students going to the Utah Symphony concerts: our first concert is Friday, November 3. If you have not returned a permission form (this is NOT the same paper you returned to indicate interest in going), please pick one up in the music room. We meet at 5:15pm at Maeser that evening; the bus leaves at 5:30pm. Questions? Email Mrs. Vincent at
HS Basketball Tryouts
High school boys and girls basketball tryouts will begin on Monday, November 6. Academic eligibility is based on Quarter 1 grades: in order to participate, a student-athlete cannot have any Fs or NGs. Contact Coach Watabe (boys) or Coach Nielsen (girls) for more specifics on times.
2019 Galapagos Winterim Registration Discount
The early-bird registration discount for participation in the 2019 Galapagos Winterim ends this Tuesday, October 31. Please talk to Mrs. Slade ( or Mr. Kreitzer ( for more information.
Tell Me About: Upcoming Fee Payment Deadlines, NEW Policy Updates, and How to Pay Fees Online
Winterim Fee Payment Deadline: Wednesday, November 15
Winterim fees are due Wednesday, November 15. If Winterim fees are unpaid after that date, your student will be dropped from their Winterim selection and assigned to a Credit Recovery/Directed Reading class with a $25 fee. Sports and Winterim fees may not be put on a payment plan. If you need to set up a payment plan for other fees, please email
NEW Fee Policy Updates
NEW! Beginning December 1, a $25 late fee will be assessed every month for outstanding balances.
NEW! Beginning with winter sports, students will be allowed to participate in a sport ONLY IF all their prior sports fees have been paid in full.
NEW! Beginning with winter sports, there will be a non-refundable $50 deposit for sports that is due before your student is considered a team member and receives a uniform. The remainder of the sports fee will be due mid-season. If the sports fee is not paid in full by this deadline, your student will be unable to participate.
How to Pay Fees Online
Fees can be paid online (preferred) or in the front office during office hours. To pay fees online, you will need your PowerSchool parent account username and password. (If you have forgotten your parent account login information, you can recover it at using the email address that is associated with your account, or email to request a password reset.)
Once you have your PowerSchool parent account login information:
- Go to our RevTrak fee payment site:
- Log in with your PowerSchool parent account username and password
- Click on the name of the student for whom you wish to pay fees
- Select the fee(s) you wish to pay
- Click “Add Selected to Cart”
- If you wish to select fees for additional students and/or add a yearbook (located under “Browse” at the top of the screen), choose “Continue Shopping”
- When you have finished selecting fee items, click “Checkout”
- Next you will be asked to log into your RevTrak payment account – you will need to create a separate RevTrak account for checkout purposes (separate secure login credentials are required for the security of your payment information)
- Select your preferred payment method (E-Check or Credit/Debit Card), enter your information, and click Continue to complete the checkout process
- Remember to print or save a copy of your receipt!
**PLEASE NOTE: While you can select individual fees to pay through RevTrak, the system does not allow you to make a partial payment on an individual fee. If you need to make a partial payment on a fee, you may do that at the front office during office hours.**