In this edition: Winterim Fees, Sterling Scholar Information Meeting, HS Student Council Activities: Drive-In Movie *TONIGHT* & Zombie Service Night, Driver Education Course, Credit Recovery Winterim, Junior CCR Appointments, Lands’ End Free Logo Sale
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Front Office Hours
7:30am-4:00pm Monday-Thursday
7:30am-1:00pm Friday
Friday, October 13
Last day of Quarter 1
Last day for Winterim class changes
Winterim fees assessed
8-10:30pm HS Drive-In Movie ($2)
Wednesday, October 18
7-9pm HS Zombie Service Night ($2)
Thursday-Friday, October 19-20
Fall Break – NO SCHOOL (we *do* have school on Monday, October 23!)
Friday, October 27
8-11pm HS Halloween Stomp ($5) – dress: costumes – no masks or make-up that obscures facial features
Saturday, October 28
ACT Administration at Maeser (standby applications due by Friday, October 20 at
Thursday, November 2
Talent Showcase Assembly
Wednesday, November 15
Final Winterim fee payments due
Winterim Fees
Winterim registration is now final and Winterim fees have been assessed for all high school students. Winterim fees can be paid online in our RevTrak fee payment system (you will need your PowerSchool parent account login information to sign in) or at the front desk during office hours. Final Winterim fee payments are due no later than Wednesday, November 15.
Sterling Scholar Information Meeting
ATTENTION Seniors interested in the Sterling Scholar program! There will be an information meeting during lunch on Tuesday, October 17 in Mrs. Plott’s room. This will be a short meeting to give you details on the different categories for competition, your resume and interviews, and dates for the competition. Applications for Sterling Scholar are due the following week, on October 27. Interviews will be held the week of October 30-November 3.
High School Student Council Activities
HS Drive-In Movie TONIGHT
Come to our Friday the 13th drive-in movie TONIGHT from 8-10:30pm! We’ll be watching The Nightmare Before Christmas. Admission is $2 and popcorn is $1.
HS Zombie Service Night
Our HS Zombie Service Night is this coming Wednesday, October 18, from 7-9pm. Apocalypse themed game where the goal is to find supplies for and assemble hygiene kits to be donated to the IOCC while avoiding being caught by zombies! Admission is $2 and the first 10 to arrive get free donuts!
Driver Education Course
We will be offering an early-morning driver education class at Maeser starting on October 30 and ending on November 9. The class will run from 6:00am-7:50am and the cost is $230. Sign up at the front desk. Questions? Contact Mr. Norris:
Credit Recovery Winterim
Students who do not pass their Q1 and Q2 classes will be moved to the Credit Recovery Winterim so they can stay on track for graduation. Please check your student’s grades in PowerSchool — Quarter 1 ended today (October 13)!
Junior CCR Appointments
It is time to schedule an appointment with your student’s counselor for their Junior College and Career Readiness meeting. We will cover important information about being on track for graduation in high school, preparing for college, and the students will be selecting their course requests for next year. Appointments run through Nov 11th. Please make sure you are in the correct time-zone on your Google calendar so you don’t miss your appointment! All our appointment times are within school hours.
To schedule an appointment with Mrs. Anderson (A-J):
To schedule an appointment with Mrs. Sorenson (K-Z):
Lands’ End Free Logo Sale
COMING UP! This Monday, October 16 through Monday, October 23, Lands’ End will be offering their popular Free Logo Sale at This is a great time to get new polos and have our logo applied for FREE. Use promo code LOGO and PIN 5782 at checkout starting Monday, October 16th!