Maeser Updates: 5 August 2017

In this edition: Updating Your Information, HOPE Squad Retreat, Early-Bird Yearbook Promotion, Sports, Volunteering at Maeser

Upcoming Dates and Deadlines

Front Office Hours
Week of August 7-11
9am-12pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Week of August 14-18
8am-3pm Monday-Thursday
8am-1pm Friday

Beginning August 21
Regular office hours resume

Monday-Tuesday, August 7-8
9am-12pm HS Girls Volleyball tryouts at Maeser

Thursday, August 10
4pm HS Boys Volleyball Open Gym

Wednesday-Thursday, August 16-17
2-4pm MS Girls Volleyball tryouts

Thursday, August 17
4pm HS Boys Volleyball Open Gym

Friday, August 18
New Student Orientation Day (regular uniforms)

Monday, August 21
First Day of School (full dress uniforms)

Thursday-Friday, August 24-25
HS Boys Volleyball tryouts

Updating Your Information

If your plans have changed and your student will no longer be attending Maeser this fall, please contact our registrar asap at so we can make that seat available to one of the many students on our wait list.

If any of your contact information has changed – email address, mailing address, phone number – please let us know so we can stay in touch with your family.

HOPE Squad Retreat

The HOPE Squad retreat is Thursday, August 17th. HOPE Squad members: check your Maeser email for details.

Early-Bird Yearbook Promotion

Are you planning to buy a yearbook this year? Yearbooks are $55 and can be purchased at the front desk or online at our RevTrak fee payment site. We are currently running a special early-bird promotion — purchase your yearbook by the September 28th fall fee payment deadline and add the video yearbook and year-end supplement at no additional charge! After September 28th, you can add those items to your yearbook order for $5 (video yearbook) and $2 (year-end supplement).


Fall Sports Eligibility and Fees

Eligibility for fall sports will be based on a student’s 4th term grades from the 2016-2017 school year. Students must have a 2.0 GPA with no Fs/NGs.

All middle school and high school sports have required fees. This year’s fees can be found on our website: 2017-18 School Fee Schedule.

High School Fall Sports

HS Girls Volleyball
HS volleyball tryouts are on Aug 7th and 8th from 9am-12pm. Questions? Contact Coach Watabe at

HS Boys Volleyball Open Gym and Tryouts
Open gym this Thursday, August 10th at 4pm. Come if you are considering trying out this year! Open gym will also be held on Thursday, August 17th at 4 pm. Tryouts will be the first week of school: Thursday and Friday, August 24th and 25th. Questions? Contact Coach Bundy at

Middle School Fall Sports

The middle school offers girls volleyball and cross-country in the fall. If a student participates in one of these sports they will practice during 4th period and this will become their elective for the term. Contact Coach Killpack for cross-country questions.

MS girls volleyball tryouts will be on August 16th and 17th from 2-4pm. Contact Coach Steinhorst for volleyball questions.

High School Winter Sports

HS Swimming
If you are a 9th-12th grader who is interested in swimming this year, please contact Coach Burg for information about our Swim Team:

Volunteering at Maeser

Available Volunteer Opportunities

We are in need of volunteer help for a few events over the next few weeks before school starts. Please check out the available opportunities on our Sign-Up Genius page. Thank you!

Planning to volunteer this school year?

Maeser asks each family to complete 40 hours of volunteer service for the school each year (20 hours for single-parent families). The State of Utah requires all parents who will be interacting with students — whether helping in the classroom, chaperoning field trips, driving for field trips/competitions, etc. — to complete an annual background check. Getting your background check is easy! Simply pick up the paperwork at the front office during office hours (or download it here), take it to your local police department and get fingerprinted (usually free for residents; check with your local police department for fingerprinting hours), and return your fingerprints and paperwork to the school during office hours. The school will cover the cost of your background check. We appreciate your help in ensuring our students’ safety!

Need to report your volunteer hours?

If you’ve completed volunteer hours for this school year but haven’t yet reported them, please visit the form on our website to report those hours: Report Parent Service Hours.

Don’t have time to volunteer?

Did you know you can make a donation in lieu of volunteer hours? Volunteer hours can be “bought out” at $7.50 per hour (or $300 for the full 40 hours). Donations can be made at the front desk during office hours or on our RevTrak fee payment site (you will need your PowerSchool parent account information to log into the Revtrak site). If you make a donation in lieu of volunteer hours, please remember to record your donation at the link above.

2 thoughts on “Maeser Updates: 5 August 2017”

  1. Is anything being done to accommodate students who want to view the solar eclipse on the first day of school? I was hoping to find info on that in the update. Thanks:)

    1. Hi, Wendi! While the school cannot provide solar eclipse glasses for all students on that day, we highly recommend that parents send their students to school with their own eclipse glasses and that they talk to students at home about eye safety during a partial eclipse. You should have received an email from the school on August 9th with more information and links to some helpful resources.

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