Maeser Updates: 23 April 2017

In this edition of Maeser Updates:

  • Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
  • Announcements and Info
  • Parent-specific Messages
  • Volunteers Needed
  • Sports Announcements

Upcoming Dates and Deadlines


Tuesdays and Thursdays after school
Middle school math help in room 223 from 3:15-4:15pm.

April 24-28

Tuesday, April 25
All student fees are DUE. Yearbooks will not be distributed to students with unpaid fees–including fees for lost locks, lost parking passes, and/or lost textbooks that are assessed at the end of the school year.

Wednesday, April 26
SAGE Testing Day – only students taking SAGE tests will be on campus on this day. All SAGE tests will be given on this date (make-up testing will be available if your student is unable to attend on SAGE Testing Day). Questions about SAGE? Email Mrs. Myers.

Thursday, April 27
Earthquake Drill – click here for the bell schedule: Earthquake Drill Schedule for 27 April 2017
Math Girls Rock! at 3:15pm in Mrs. Plott’s room (#302). See announcement below for details.

April 27-May 1
HS Musical: Much Ado About Nothing
April 27, 28, 29 and May 1 at 7:00pm
Matinees on April 28 and 29 at 1:00pm
Tickets are $6 for students, $8 for adults

May 1-5

Monday, May 1
HS Musical: Much Ado About Nothing at 7:00pm
Tickets are $6 for students, $8 for adults

Monday, May 1
AP exams begin! Questions about AP exams? Email Mrs. Myers.

Wednesday, May 3
Maeser Music Showcase, featuring Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Choir, Maeser’s finest music students! 7:00 p.m., St. Francis of Assisi Church, 65 East 500 North in Orem. Admission is FREE.

May 8-12

Tuesday, May 9
Maeser School Board meeting at 7:00pm

May 15-19

Monday, May 15
Senior Last Lecture: Last Lecture Assembly Schedule

Wednesday, May 17
Senior Lagoon Day–all NGs, Fs, and online course transcripts must be cleared up and graduation clearance given by the counselors to attend.

Thursday, May 18
Last day to make up NGs in Attendance School!

Friday, May 19
Final Exams: Regular Uniforms
1st period: 8:00-10:00am
3rd period: 10:30am-12:30pm

May 19-20
State Orchestra Festival at Salem Hills High School. Details coming soon!

May 22-25

Monday, May 22
Final Exams: Regular Uniforms (Full Dress is not required today)
2nd period: 8:00-10:00am
4th period: 10:30am-12:30pm

Tuesday, May 23
Final Exams: Regular Uniforms
5th period: 8:00-10:00am
7th period: 10:30am-12:30pm

Wednesday, May 24
Final Exams: Regular Uniforms
6th period: 8:00-10:00am
8th period: 10:30am-12:30pm

Thursday, May 25
Last Day of School
7:30am — Senior Class Photo on the front steps of the school (seniors: plan to arrive by 7:15am!)
8:00am — Class-level awards in Mentoring classes (non-senior students: plan to arrive by 8:00am!)
9:00am — Awards Assembly in the gym; parents are invited and should arrive by 8:45am to be seated
~10:00am — Faculty/Student Quidditch Match on the field
~11:00am — Checkout completion and yearbook distribution (students: get checkout completed by Wednesday for more time signing yearbooks!)
2:00pm — Graduation Rehearsal at the UVU Sorensen Center Grand Ballroom (all graduates MUST attend rehearsal!)
5:15pm — Graduate line-up at the UVU Sorensen Center Grand Ballroom (all graduates MUST be present by 5:15pm!)
6:00pm — Graduation

Announcements and Info

Tell Me Something Good!

Congratulations to the Maeser High School Math Team. They finished their season ranked 1st place in the State in the Math League competitions! At the State Math Contest, our 10th grade team won 1st place for all 2A schools. Team members were Lizzy McClellan, Ellis Anderson, and Cassidy Wiersdorf. These students were honored at a banquet at BYU. Also at the State Math Contest, Tamma Bahr was honored. She earned 10th place for all 8th graders in the entire state of Utah.

Congratulations to all our teachers and students who performed in Dancing with the Teachers. You were amazing! First place went to the faculty aerobics number, second place to Ms. Nielsen’s Zumba classes, and third place to Mr. Olsen’s Print Comm montage. Thank you all for participating! Since there was a tie in the voting for charities, the proceeds from the night will be split between the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees).

SAGE Testing: Wednesday, April 26

This Wednesday, April 26th, will be a special all-school testing day to administer SAGE tests–the State’s year-end tests in English, Math, and Science. English and Writing tests will be administered from 7:30-11:05am, with Science and Math from 11:35am-3:10pm. Only students taking SAGE tests should be on campus on SAGE Testing Day. We will provide make-up testing sessions for students who are unable to attend on April 26th. Only students taking SAGE tests this year should attend on Wednesday, April 26th; students with no SAGE tests assigned or who have submitted Parental Exclusion forms should not be on campus that day.

Year-end testing gives us a useful snapshot of where our students are at this point in the year in certain core areas. Our students have historically performed very well on these year-end tests, due to Maeser’s focus on providing “Core Plus” instruction that goes above and beyond what is required by the State’s core curriculum. We use our students’ test scores to help us inform and improve instruction. The State uses SAGE test scores as a major component of our school’s grade, which is published on the state’s Data Gateway website. We would appreciate your help in emphasizing to your student the importance of doing his or her best on their year-end tests to help us in these areas.

If you would prefer to opt your student out of SAGE testing this year, please complete, sign, and return the Parental Exclusion Form either by email ( or at the front desk (Mon-Thurs 7am-3:45pm, Fri 7am-12:45pm) by Monday, April 24, to allow us time to mark your student correctly in the testing system and update their attendance for SAGE Testing Day.

Math Girls Rock!

The next meeting of Math Girls Rock! will be on Thursday, April 27th from 3:15 to 5:00 p.m. in Mrs. Plott’s room (#302). This time, we are doing “Math, Magic, and Mystery”. As always, there will be food, prizes, and games. This is open to all girls in any level of math. If you have already turned in a permission slip this year, you are covered. If you need a permission slip, contact Mrs. Plott.

Utah Boys State

Any 11th grade boys who are interested in attending Boys State please contact Mr. Norris. Boys State will be held at Weber State University June 12-16. The cost is $375.

Winterim 2018: Christmas and New Year in Japan

Dates: December 21, 2017 through January 2, 2018
Cost: $3,400
If you are interested, please contact Mr. Watabe. This Winterim needs at least 15 to 20 students to make it happen.

Music Announcements

Are you considering joining Maeser’s Music program next year?
Mrs. Vincent would like to hear all HIGH SCHOOL singers. Contact her at for placement in the two high school choirs (now called A Cappella and Madrigals), or Chamber Orchestra (now called Chamber Players).

Wednesday, May 3rd: Music Showcase Concert
St. Francis of Assisi Church, 65 E 500 N in Orem, 7:00 p.m. Come hear Maeser’s finest music students in their final performance of the year. And admission is free!

Maeser Music Hoodies
Order your student’s Maeser Music HOODIE this week! Bring $25 (cash) to Janice Vincent and specify which size to order. Open to all students who have been music students (not necessarily enrolled this semester). **Note: This is NOT approved for school wear, but a cool jacket to wear everywhere else.

Utah Opera remaining performance:
May 11 Don Giovanni by Mozart. Bus leaves Maeser at 5:30. (Meet at 5:15.)
*** If you cannot use your ticket, please tell Mrs. Vincent so someone else can.***

Utah Symphony group concerts:
Friday, April 28 — Bus leaves Maeser at 5:30pm. (Meet at 5:15.)
Opera May 11

Parent-specific Announcements

Attendance Reminders

Parents: Only four weeks until finals!

Please encourage your student(s) to take care of their NGs by May 18th.

Please remind your student that if they are making up an NG with a teacher or by doing service, they need to stop by the front desk first to pick up the Attendance form.

We wanted to remind you that if you receive a phone call regarding your child’s attendance for that day and you know you have already excused your student, we apologize for the inconvenience. We try to post attendance every day by 4:00, but sometimes we get swamped at the front desk and we need up to 24 hours to update it. If you notice that the NG is still on your student’s Power School after 24 hours, please give us a call at the front desk. We appreciate your patience!

Important Information About Student Fees and End of School Year

Student fees are DUE by this Tuesday, April 25. Please check PowerSchool or contact the front office to see if your student has any outstanding fees.


  • AP students will NOT be allowed into the testing room on the day of their AP exam if their AP exam fee is not paid in full.
  • Yearbooks will NOT be distributed to students with UNPAID FEES.
  • Keep in mind that fees will be assessed on the last couple days of school for lost locks, lost parking passes and/or lost textbooks. Have your student start looking for these items now! If you are charged for a textbook and find it later, you will not be given a refund.

You can pay student fees online at or in person at the front desk during business hours. Thank you!

Volunteer Needs

Still need to get your volunteer hours in for this year?

Have a current 2016-17 background check on file?
We are in need of several parents who have current background checks on file and are willing to volunteer as substitutes so our teachers can proctor AP exams during the first two weeks of May. If you are willing to help and have completed your background check for this year, please email for details. Thank you!

Want to show your love for our teachers?
Teacher Appreciation week is coming up May 1-5 and we have several volunteer and donation needs. If you are willing to help, please check our Sign Up Genius page to sign up!

Need to report your volunteer hours for this year?
If you’ve completed volunteer hours for this school year but haven’t yet reported them, please visit the form on our website to report those hours: Report Parent Service Hours.

Too busy to volunteer before the end of the school year?
Did you know you can make a donation in lieu of volunteer hours? Volunteer hours can be “bought out” at $7.50 per hour (or $300 for the full 40 hours). Donations can be made at the front desk during office hours or on our RevTrak fee payment site. If you make a donation in lieu of volunteer hours, please remember to record your donation at the link above.

Sports Announcements

HS Boys’ Soccer Schedule